某個週末,和朋友先去Venice Beach走走,之後來到這家以有機食物與飲品聞名的餐廳。
On a weekend, my friend found this organic restaurant and we came here after went to Venice Beach in the morning.
It presented some fresh and delicious food on the table to attract people.
There are so many people wanted to come here to eat. We waited for 30 minutes at least. It's not usual in US.
這兒的飲品真的挺特別的,大多都是好幾項蔬果混合而成,在單字量不夠多的情形下,還真擔心會點到什麼奇怪的口味,幸好我點的綠色一號(Green #1)挺好喝的,內容物為蘋果,黃瓜,生菜,羽衣甘藍和梨。
The juice it sells is a little be weird. Always mixed with several different fruit and vegetables, like I ordered Green #1. It's mixed with Apple, Cucumber, Romaine, Kale and Pear. Actually, it taste good.
BBQ vegetables, it's nice.
Kreation Kafe & Juicery 地址:
1202 Abbot Kinney Blvd,
Venice, CA 90291