The Beef Soup is one of the best foods in Tainan. There are a lot of options, and we tried 3 of them this time.
The first one is the Nameless Beef Soup. We arrived there around 9:30 PM after we went to some lantern festivals at the downtown of Tainan. We ordered a Beef Soup with an egg and a Beef Congee. The beef is so soft like going to melting in your month, so good~
The congee is also good. The flavor of beef was cooked into the congee.
Then we walk to Fucheng Beef Soup. We just share one Beef Soup and Stir fried Steak with Chinese broccoli (Gai lan). Compares to the beef we ate at Nameless, the beef here is chewy and you can taste stronger beef flavor from the soup. It's also good!
The next day morning, we start our breakfast with beef soup just like a Tainanese. We rode T-bike to the Liuqian Beef Soup around 8 o'clock, and we were lucky that we don't need to wait.
There are only 5 options on the menu, the Bone Marrow Soup (sold out on that day), the Beef Soup, the Liver Soup, the Heart Soup, the Brisket Soup and the rice. We had the beef soup and the heart soup. They're delicious and you can easily tell the beef are so fresh and sweet. Even better is the portion is big. It's really a good start for a day.
700 台南市中西區友愛街334號
700 台南市中西區府前路二段167-2號
700 台南市中西區海安路一段63號
2020年2月29日 星期六
2020年2月28日 星期五
[Czech Republic] Český Krumlov,聖維特教堂 (Kostel svatého Víta)
When I checked the UNESCO World Heritage List, it says the Historic Centre of Český Krumlov is situated on the banks of the Vltava river, the town was built around a 13th-century castle with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. It is an outstanding example of a small central European medieval town whose architectural heritage has remained intact thanks to its peaceful evolution over more than five centuries.
這張展現 C 字型河道環繞小鎮的照片便是在城堡內,一間露天咖啡店旁的露台拍攝的,可以完整拍下整個小鎮。
This photo shows the U-shape river, the Vltava river, around the whole town was taken at the coffee shop in the castle.
沿著街道 Horni 往裡走,就會抵達舊城廣場,在四週有許多餐廳,可作為午晚餐的選擇;廣場中央立著黑死病紀念柱,在我們參觀的時點,正好有「六四」三十週年展,從另一個角度看待「六四」,感覺挺特別的。
Walking in the town, you can find the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements if you're an expert. Although I'm not, I still like to walk between these historical buildings. It's amazing to think about people walked on the same road five hundred years ago as I do today. And maybe five centuries later, there is another tourist from Taiwan will also do the same thing.
Along the street Horni, you will reach to the square. The main artistic landmark of the square is the plague column topped with the statue of the Virgin Mary and eight saints, the patron saints of the town and protectors against plague.
At the time I arrived, it also has a special show for the 30th anniversary of the the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.
The tallest building in the town is the Kostel svatého Víta, you can easily see it at every good sightseeing to take the photo of the town. It's OK to visit the church and take photos. It's majestic and beautiful. And also a good place to take a rest to calm yourself down.
在捷克,可以見到很多販售捷克傳統甜點 Trdelník (亦稱作 trdlo 或 trozkol) 的店家,有些只是單純的麵包捲,有些則會如上述的店家,加上冰淇淋等等花樣,以吸引不同口味的愛好者,個人覺得,因為只有在捷克吃得到,至少我在奧地利和德國沒見過,可以嚐一嚐,但不致於特別吸引我。
You can easily find a store sells the traditional dessert Trdelník, sometimes also called trdlo or trozkol. I tried maybe twice, once with ice cream and the other time only with the bread. It's a tasty dessert but I'm not a sugar fan.
最後,在捷克旅行,有個稍微不方便的地方就是要另外再換錢,要在路旁的換匯所換成捷克克朗才行~嗎?經過這次旅行,我會說沒有那麼絕對了,首先,餐廳基本上都收信用卡,我沒有遇到不收的,而信用卡的換匯匯率,是最好的,就是銀行的牌告匯率,側面反應了路邊換匯所的手續費是偏高的,所以,換一些基本開銷即可,如果你可能會去逛一些路邊小店的話;除了換匯所,我個人覺得可能還有一個選擇,我自己沒有實際操作過,只是覺得應該有可行性,就是販賣 Trdelník 的店家,為了做生意,我在好幾家這樣的店家菜單上,看到它同時標上了捷克克朗與歐元的價格,以 1:25 的匯率,對照上圖我拍攝的匯率,1:25.3,可能還比某些要收取手續費的換匯所更便宜。Many people says you need to exchange Euro to Czech Koruna to stay in Czech Republic. Is that true? I may say it depends since time changes a lot of things. The restaurants I visit all take credit cards, and as you knew the exchange rate of the credit cards are really good. Usually is what you see as the bank announced without any handling fee. If you still need to have some Czech Koruna in an exchange office on the street, check the exchange rate first and then the handling fee. If you missed either one of them, the cost may be high.
There is another option could work too. I observe that many Trdelník store highlight two prices on the menu, one is Czech Koruna and the other is Euro. When I was there, the exchange rate is 1:25 at those stores. If they don't ask for the handling fee, it might be cheaper than some exchange office I guess.
2020年2月22日 星期六
[Taiwan] 台南市,中西區,小古巴 Little Cuba
來到台南,第一時間想到的,都是牛肉湯,鹹粥等等的食物,怎麼都沒想到,今天的第一餐居然是 ─ 漢堡,只因為騎著台南特有的 T-bike 前往民宿,停好車經過,正好看到或許是老闆的外國人正在門口聊天,帶著那麼一點中南美洲的慵懶,再加上 Google Maps 上有 4.7 星的評價,就決定來嚐嚐~
Tainan is famous for delicious foods, like beef soup or salty congee. I didn't expected we tried hamburger first. I guess that's because when we passed by the restaurant on our way to the hostel, we saw the chef sit outside and had a chat with someone. I don't why, the atmosphere and the name of the restaurant, Little Cuba, gave me the picture of South America. Since I felt it, I may want to try it.
The restaurant is bright, with the photos of Cuba on the wall. It shows a different style compares to others in Taiwan.
菜單上則有古巴炸肉餅與 Mojo 手撕豬的介紹,既然來了,當然要點特色料理來嚐嚐。
The menu introduce what kind of foods were served here. Since we want to try, we should try the Must Try.
The Croquetas de Bacon, it tastes good as an appetizer.
漢堡記得一個是酸甜鳳梨勁辣 BBQ 起司培根堡 (牛肉),一個是古巴經典 Mojo 手撕豬加上肉醬薯條,為什麼會點肉醬薯條呢?因為這是我第一次在台灣遇到可以點肉醬薯條的餐廳,當然要點來回味一下在美國才吃過的罪惡食物,哈~再咬一口 Mojo 手撕豬,整個畫面都回來了,真的是超級美式的啦~
The hamburgers are Pineapple & Jalapeno BBQ Love (beef) and Mojo Pulled Pork plus Sloppy Joe Fries. Why I ordered the fries? Because this is the first place I knew where I can order it. It's kind of guilty food I only tried in US, plus the Mojo. Ha, it's delicious with lots calories.
相形之下,酸甜鳳梨勁辣 BBQ 起司培根堡 (牛肉) 少了點回味,雖然也好吃,就是回憶上少了一點什麼~
Compares that, the Pineapple & Jalapeno BBQ Love (beef) is good but defeated by my own beautiful memories.
I found the photo in my head when I back home, it's really "over."
若有興趣,有機會到美國可以去拜訪一下,Meet Up BBQ。
If you want to try, you can find it in Meet Up BBQ.
小古巴 Little Cuba:
700 台南市中西區城隍街48號
2020年2月16日 星期日
[Taiwan] 台南市,鹽水區,月津港燈節
因為前一天住在台南市區,要來鹽水須先到台南火車站搭乘區間車北上,大約花了 40 分鐘抵達新營火車站,出站到對面的公車總站換搭棕幹線前往鹽水月津港 (橋南老街站),雖然 Google Maps 估計要四五十分鐘,但實際上約花廿來分左右,若從台南火車站起算,70 ~ 80 分鐘的車程可抵達月津港,也就是上圖的「現在位置」。
Last weekend, I went to the Yuejin Lantern Festival 2020 in Tainan. Because I stayed at the downtown of Tainan, I took the train from Tainan station to Xinying station first. Then take the Brown bus to Yanshui Qiaonan Old Street. It may take about 70 to 80 minutes in total.
我們大約是三點半多出發,抵達時快五點,下車地點 (橋南老街) 就看到第一個作品,線代光景,不過白天尚未打光,其實有點普通,上面照片是準備回台南時拍攝的 (接近晚上九點)。
This is Modern Lines at the bus station.
The lanterns are most set at the Yuejin Harbor Water Park, you may follow the people to arrive there through the Qiaonan Old Street. There are lots of street food vendors along the street, it's kind of the night market easily to be found in Taiwan.
沿路會經過永成戲院,裡面仍然在播放電影,不過現在是免費的,旁邊看到了一盞 2015 年時,日本青森縣參展的花燈,挺精緻的,也確定月津港燈節應該是個持續了多年的活動。
There is a lantern reserved in the Yongcheng Theater which is from Japan for the festival in 2015.
The sunset is beautiful with clouds and reflections.
I arrived in the daytime. To be honest, I think it's not necessary. The signs and directions are clear at night too.
PSN-lightbox, the lanterns can be charged by the sunlight in the daytime, and then be lit up by the electricity from the battery at night.
It's interesting to observe the lights like this. The paths of light are so clear. It's a little pity that you can only stay there for 1 minute.
The Reflection of the Flower.
The Glamorous Gold Fish, it represents the goldfish swim in the Yuejin Port.
Sea Turtle, the pronunciation of "turtle" and "came (home)" are the same in Mandarin. This represents the family wishes the fisher (most of them are the dad of a family) can come home safely.
Rouder and Rouder Moon, it shows the people are more attractive by the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival, not the round moon in the sky.
這是第 45 幅作品 - 漫遊時光,透過船隻的意象與月光,再加上橋上的文字 - 月津風華,讓人遙想當年「一府二鹿三艋舺四月津」的風光。
Ramble in Time, the Yuejin Port used to be a prosperous port for trade and transportation. A chain of boats might lead people to travel back to the old time.
因為前一天住在台南市區,要來鹽水須先到台南火車站搭乘區間車北上,大約花了 40 分鐘抵達新營火車站,出站到對面的公車總站換搭棕幹線前往鹽水月津港 (橋南老街站),雖然 Google Maps 估計要四五十分鐘,但實際上約花廿來分左右,若從台南火車站起算,70 ~ 80 分鐘的車程可抵達月津港,也就是上圖的「現在位置」。
Last weekend, I went to the Yuejin Lantern Festival 2020 in Tainan. Because I stayed at the downtown of Tainan, I took the train from Tainan station to Xinying station first. Then take the Brown bus to Yanshui Qiaonan Old Street. It may take about 70 to 80 minutes in total.
我們大約是三點半多出發,抵達時快五點,下車地點 (橋南老街) 就看到第一個作品,線代光景,不過白天尚未打光,其實有點普通,上面照片是準備回台南時拍攝的 (接近晚上九點)。
This is Modern Lines at the bus station.
The lanterns are most set at the Yuejin Harbor Water Park, you may follow the people to arrive there through the Qiaonan Old Street. There are lots of street food vendors along the street, it's kind of the night market easily to be found in Taiwan.
沿路會經過永成戲院,裡面仍然在播放電影,不過現在是免費的,旁邊看到了一盞 2015 年時,日本青森縣參展的花燈,挺精緻的,也確定月津港燈節應該是個持續了多年的活動。
There is a lantern reserved in the Yongcheng Theater which is from Japan for the festival in 2015.
The sunset is beautiful with clouds and reflections.
I arrived in the daytime. To be honest, I think it's not necessary. The signs and directions are clear at night too.
PSN-lightbox, the lanterns can be charged by the sunlight in the daytime, and then be lit up by the electricity from the battery at night.
It's interesting to observe the lights like this. The paths of light are so clear. It's a little pity that you can only stay there for 1 minute.
The Reflection of the Flower.
The Glamorous Gold Fish, it represents the goldfish swim in the Yuejin Port.
Sea Turtle, the pronunciation of "turtle" and "came (home)" are the same in Mandarin. This represents the family wishes the fisher (most of them are the dad of a family) can come home safely.
Rouder and Rouder Moon, it shows the people are more attractive by the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival, not the round moon in the sky.
這是第 45 幅作品 - 漫遊時光,透過船隻的意象與月光,再加上橋上的文字 - 月津風華,讓人遙想當年「一府二鹿三艋舺四月津」的風光。
Ramble in Time, the Yuejin Port used to be a prosperous port for trade and transportation. A chain of boats might lead people to travel back to the old time.