2018年1月14日 星期日
[Taiwan] 宜蘭,礁溪,超牛B (Super Niubi)
This is a famous beef noodle restaurant in Yilan on Internet. The chef is the son of the boss of this Chinese herbal medicine pharmacy. Since the rent is high, he sell the beef noodle just in the pharmacy.
今天是我第二次想來吃,上次大概是一點左右抵達,每天的份額50碗已經賣光了,這次又來到礁溪,就在第二天check out後直接過來,十二點營業,我們十一點五十就到,一問之下,已經排在第11碗和第12碗了,前十碗都是電話預約的客人,建議如果想吃,直接打電話預約比較好。像今天,十二點四十五分時,賣了33碗,結果有個客人想買八碗,老闆還不敢直接答應,擔心準備的料可能會不夠,要真的做得出來才敢接單。
This is my second time to try to eat here. Last time, I arrived at one o'clock and it's sold out. There are about 50 portions of the beef noodle per day, and it only opened on the weekends. As I remembered, that's because the chef has other job for the weekdays. On this Sunday, my girl and I arrived at 1150, so we got the 11 and 12 for it. From 1 to 10 are reserved. If you really want to try, you can call to make a reservation first.
There are only two choices, the Beef Noodle (NTD 160) or the Beef Noodle and Tendon Soup (NTD 180). We had two Beef Noodle and Tendon Soup because we want to have both, beef and tendon. The soup is clear and full the taste of beef, it's really tasty. The noodle is a little bit hard and really chewy. To eat with some soup, the smell of beef will full of your mouth, it's superb. The beef shank is cooked really well, it's soft and still sliced really thick. When you bite it, it's palatable. The tendon is also cooked really soft, fantastic.
262 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉中山路一段232號