2018年8月25日 星期六
[Taiwan] 台北,捷運東門站,廖家牛肉麵 (Liao Beef Noodle)
On a Sunday afternoon, we came to Liao Beef Noodle at 2 o'clock PM. We expect that we should be able to directly get in and get something to eat. But, there are around 10 people before us. This really surprises me.
The menu is really simple, it only serves Beef Noodle, Noodle with beef soup (no beef), and Beef soup only.
Besides the beef noodle, people always will have some side dishes here. We had pig ear, bean curd, kelp, and Taiwan style kimchi. The bean curd is something you must have here. Not just because it's tasty but also how the chef slices it. It's not easy to find a place to serve the bean curd with such thin style which provides you a different taste.
The beef noodle. The spinach tastes good with the beef soup. This is kind of special not so many beef noodle restaurants provide these two together. The soup is light and you can still taste a little beef flavor. The noodle is chewy and tastes better to eat with the beef soup. The beef is really special. When I bite it, I can taste something goes out from it and full of my mouth. I guess it's garlic flavor, and maybe others but I can't tell. It's unique and delicious.
2018年8月19日 星期日
[Japan] 東京,台東區,麵屋武藏武骨相傳 (Menya Musashi Bukotsu Souden)
It's already passed eight o'clock and we just found out that we hadn't had our dinner. Since we didn't have a chance to eat ramen for this trip in Tokyo, we select this ramen restaurant for our dinner, the Menya Musashi Bukotsu Souden. Even it's almost 9 PM, the customers are kept coming.
It uses a machine to handle the orders. It's simple, you can select the classical taste (white, cooked with pork bones), spicy (red) and garlic (black), and with soup (ramen) or Tsukemen.
The thick chashu with classical taste. This is my first time to have so many chashu, it's wonderful since I was so hungry.
The soup is tasty and you can tell that the noodle has the flavor from the soup. It's good. The chashu doesn't have that much oil, you can just eat them and don't need to worry about the fat.
My girlfriend ordered the spicy Tsukemen.
東京都台東區上野 6-11-15
2018年8月18日 星期六
[Japan] 東京,千代田區,萬世牧場 (肉的萬世,Niku Mansei)
Today's tour is to go around the Akihabara, so we find a restaurant nearby for our lunch - the Niku Mansei. The whole building is belong to the company and with different style of food for each floor.
We go up to the 5th floor for the Korea-style Brabeque. If you want to eat something good, or you may say expensive, try it for the lunch. It will always cheaper than dinner. Today, we came here for the Wagyu.
The lunch menu, it's available until 4 PM. Every selection is a set which will include salad, side dishes, rice and soup. We select the Variety of the Meat (wagyu healthy cut, wagyu kalbi and beef tongue) and Thick sliced beef tongue (upper grade).
套餐包含沙拉,泡菜,白飯與湯,除了白飯算是表現平平, 日本的白飯似乎總是比較好吃。
The set includes salad, side dishes, rice and soup. It's OK besides the rice. The rice is always good when you eat it in Japan.
Since barbeque is hot, I need bear to cool me down.
The beef tongue is really really good, especial it's so thick.
The wagyu healthy cut, wagyu kalbi are good, but the beef tongue is not that good when we already have the thick sliced beef tongue (upper grade).
萬世牧場 (肉的萬世):
〒 101-0041 Tokyo, 千代田区神田須田町2丁目21
2018年8月13日 星期一
[Japan] 東京,中央區, 牛かつ もと村 コレド室町店 (Gyuukatsumotomura)
看完金魚展之後,時間也差不多到了用晚餐的時間,就在日本橋室町二號大樓的地下一樓,找到一家炸牛排的店─牛かつ もと村 コレド,我在2016年時於京都的京都勝牛第一次吃到炸牛排,一直想再回味一下,於是決定在此用餐。
At Coredo Muromachi 2 B1, there is a famous restaurant which serves fried steak, the Gyuukatsumotomura. In 2016, that's my first time to try the new food, fried steak, at Kyoto Katsugyu. It's delicious. Since I didn't have a plan for today's dinner, we decided to try the fried steak.
It has a hot slate for each customer to heat the steak again. I guess the chef may only fry the steak about 30 seconds, it's just Rare. So they provide the hot slate for the user to heat it for himself.
There are two sized of the steak, 130g or 260g. Based on my experience in Kyoto, I want to eat two pieces, ha~
牛かつ もと村 コレド室町店:
〒1030022 日本橋室町二丁目3番1号 コレド室町2 地下1階 B18号室
2018年8月11日 星期六
[Japan] 東京,中央區,「江戸・金魚の涼」 金魚藝術展 (Art Aquarium)
In the afternoon, we moved to Nihonbashi to watch the Art Aquarium. Before that, we went to Nihonbashi to visit the start of the roads in Japan. And also find the kirin statue which is also the start of a novel, Kirin no Tsubasa (Beautiful Wings). The author is Keigo Higashino, who is one of my favorite Japanese author.
The Art Aquarium is at Coredo Muromach.Before get in, you can see the hand-made latern and also there is a festival there. You can enjoy the atmosphere in the summer night in Japan.
The show is all about the fish, light and movement. It's colorful and beautiful.
And also a chance to know new things. I can't even image the jellyfish can has such color.
This is also a good show for couples. You can knew why by above photo.
With the colorful light, people like to take photos. At the same time, the light is not enough for people to take photos. It's kind of contradictory, but this is why people stay there for much longer. For me, I stayed for about 90 minutes. If you don't take so much photos, maybe one hour is enough.