2018年8月13日 星期一
[Japan] 東京,中央區, 牛かつ もと村 コレド室町店 (Gyuukatsumotomura)
看完金魚展之後,時間也差不多到了用晚餐的時間,就在日本橋室町二號大樓的地下一樓,找到一家炸牛排的店─牛かつ もと村 コレド,我在2016年時於京都的京都勝牛第一次吃到炸牛排,一直想再回味一下,於是決定在此用餐。
At Coredo Muromachi 2 B1, there is a famous restaurant which serves fried steak, the Gyuukatsumotomura. In 2016, that's my first time to try the new food, fried steak, at Kyoto Katsugyu. It's delicious. Since I didn't have a plan for today's dinner, we decided to try the fried steak.
It has a hot slate for each customer to heat the steak again. I guess the chef may only fry the steak about 30 seconds, it's just Rare. So they provide the hot slate for the user to heat it for himself.
There are two sized of the steak, 130g or 260g. Based on my experience in Kyoto, I want to eat two pieces, ha~
牛かつ もと村 コレド室町店:
〒1030022 日本橋室町二丁目3番1号 コレド室町2 地下1階 B18号室