2019年2月7日 星期四
[Japan] 京都,中京區,御金神社 (Mikane Shrine)
在歸還和服前,我們決定再去參觀一個景點─御金神社,這次在夢館租借和服,包含了一張免費的「和服 + 京都老房子 (其實就是夢館御池分店)」的照片,因此有機會與這位同樣是台灣來的攝影師聊聊,他介紹了我們這個離夢館很近的小景點,我覺得很適合在黃昏時來參觀,因為這兒真的是太閃亮了,金黃色的鳥居呀,當然要有黑暗的背景才能突顯出來呀!
Before returning the kimono, we came to the Mikane Shrine where the photographer of the Yumeyakata Oike Bettei introduced us. He is also a Taiwanese so we had a chat about where we can go today. The Mikane Shrine is so bright, and also the torii.
The shrine is small, but a lot of people come here. I guess it's because people love money. This is the first time to see so many Ema (Shinto).
The most important thing to come here is to washing the money. You may prepare the ¥ 50 coin because there is a hole on the coin which Japanese prefers. After washed, the coin will earn more coins, please keep it safe.