2019年11月9日 星期六
[Austria] 上奧地利,Obertraun,Haus Hepi
Haus Hepi 是我透過 AirB&B 找到的民宿,環境很不錯,地點就在 Obertraun 火車站附近,走路大約 3~5 分鐘,稍微有點不方便的地方是有一小段斜坡要爬,也因為有點斜坡,從房間小陽台往外望的景色很不錯,算是有好有壞。
I found this B&B via AirB&B, it's near the Obertraun train station, about 3 to 5 minutes away.
出了火車站,一路直行,在主幹道 Seestraße 右轉,行到 Stiegergasse 左轉上行,見到上述 Haus Hepi 的指標後右轉即可看到這間民宿,民宿主人也住在此,會幫忙準備隔天的早餐,同時也隨時可找他們聊聊在此的計劃,他們很熱心,會提供一些即時資訊作為參考,例如提醒我們 (五指山) 山上很冷,記得穿上所有的衣服,或是第三天時,我們因為七點就到 Hallstatt 拍照,快九點時還傳簡訊通知我們,早餐時間快過了,要趕快起床了 (以為我們還在房間睡覺),等我們九點十幾分回到民宿,還繼續幫我們張羅早餐,一路大約吃到十點才結束,人真的很好。
When leaving the station, turn right on the Seestraße and then go left when meet Stiegergasse. You will see a sign shows Haus Hepi then you will see the B&B on your right. The host also lives in the house and they're so nice. I recommend you to talk with them about your visit plan. They will provide you some suggestion to help you to do some adjustment. Like "Put on all your clothes!" is what she gave to us when she heard that we wanted to go up to Five Fingers. And they also sent me a message to remind me to get down to eat the breakfast. They are really good.
The entrance, you may leave your shoes here and wear the indoor slippers.
我們的房間是二樓 (面對樓梯) 右側的 3 號房,在樓梯的前方是放置食物的公共區,冰箱裡有啤酒,飲料和水,採登記制,拿了多少直接登記,上面也記明了各飲品的價格,我們沒有拿,畢竟還是比超商貴一點,雖然這兒的超市不太方便。
When go up the stairs, you'll find the public spaces. There are beers, soft drinks and waters in the fridge. You can just write down what you take and pay when you check out.
The other side is the living room with mountain landscape view. It's pity that it was a rainy day.
房間不算很大,不過還是可以將兩個 27 吋,29 吋的行李箱全開,算是個舒適的空間,且還提供一個有三個插座加上兩個 USB 接頭的延長座,我覺得挺貼心的,知道現在大家身上都很多電子用品需要充電,浴室則是提供淋浴間。
The room is big enough for us to put down our luggage (one is 27 inches big and the other is 29 inches) on the floor. And we still have some space to walk around. It's really comfortable. The host also provides a extension cable with 3 plugs and 2 USB ports. He knew the visitors may take a lot of electric devices need to be charged in the night.
The peaceful town outside.
I like the breakfast, the bread, fruit, cereals, and yogurt are all you can eat. The hams and cheese is one plate for each room. The juices can be refilled. It's a simple, fresh, good taste breakfast.
關於鎮上唯一的超市,特別要注意的一點是開門營業的時間,週日休息,其他日子則是 07:30 – 18:00,但12:00 – 15:00 午休,若要去買東西要特別注意,我們建議至少有兩樣東西可買,一是酒 (真的很便宜),另一是配酒吃的火腿片,好多選擇~最後提醒一下,這間超市想刷卡有最低門檻,好像是 15 歐元,過低就一定要用現金結帳了。
If you want to buy something at the supermarket, remember when it is opened. It opened from 07:30 to 18:00, but may have a break from 12:00 to 15:00. If I were you, there two things I won't miss, the red wine and the hams (a good appetizer with the wine).
最後,這間 B&B 在十月初的價格是一晚約台幣 3700 元,含早餐,應該算是划算的吧!
At last, the price for this B&B is about Euro 120 per night.