在 Český Krumlov 的第二個晚上,我們還是訂不到地窖等在此非常有名的餐廳,只好在冷冽的寒風中,在舊城區內四處尋找,後來找到這間在 Google Maps 上有四顆星,且裡面人潮涵湧,感覺溫暖的 Krumlovský mlýn。
On the 2nd night we stayed at Český Krumlov, we tried to use Google Maps to find a good restaurant for the dinner. At last, we found Krumlovský mlýn.
As usual, we stand at the front to wait someone take us to our seat, but there is no one services us for about 3 to 5 minutes. Comes a couple from Taiwan told us just go and find a seat. The services start from you got a seat.
看了帳單才知道,原來麵包算是每人入場費 15 克朗附贈的小點,湯品本身算是不錯,兩杯淡啤酒很爽口。
The bread is covered by "Couvert" (borrowed from French couvert). Nice appetizer. The soup Oukrop (garlic coup) is warm, it's really good to have it in such a cold night. After that, the cold beer is tasty. Ha~
The food is good and cheap. We were full.
我喜歡這間餐廳的原因是當晚的氛圍,大家能夠很自在地坐在大長桌上,熱絡地聊天,讓整間餐廳的氣氛很歡樂,我們就與同桌的三個奧地利大學生聊了幾句,他們是因為放假,就跑來 Český Krumlov 旅遊;隔了幾個長桌,則有個似乎是捷克的合唱團團體,和另一桌的台灣團客在軋歌,你一首我一首,感覺好嗨~真棒~
The reason I like this restaurant is because the people here. Most tables here can have 10 people or more to sit together. It's really easy to have strangers next to you to have some conversations. There are three boys came from Austria at our table. They came here to enjoy their holidays. A little further, I guess there is a choir compete with a group tourists from Taiwan for songs. I don't remember the topic, but it's really good to have them singing songs one by one.
Before leaving, we have a chat with the couple from Taiwan. They were retired for a while. They will arrange two or three trips a year to visit different places for couple weeks. Try to enjoy the life all over world which is what I want to have when I retired someday.
今晚帳單總共是 1,220 克朗。
Total costs CZK 1,220.
Krumlovský mlýn:
Široká 80, Vnitřní Město, 381 01 Český Krumlov
2020年3月22日 星期日
2020年3月15日 星期日
[Taiwan] 台南市,北區,鹹粥巡禮 (The Porridge Restaurants)
Another famous food in Tainan is the Milkfish porridge (or Milkfish congee). We had bad luck on looking for congee, we only tried two of them, the AHang and AChou.
The Milkfish porridge is really good with the wonderful sweet from the milkfish and rice.
The fish viscera is another good thing you might only have a chance to eat at Tainan. As I remember, someone once said the delicious foods always make you feel guilty. The fish viscera is finger-licking good and makes me feel guilty. That's how tasty it is.
It's so good that we ordered one more congee. Thumbs up!
The second one is AChou. Compares to AHang, it's OK.
吃完這兩家的虱目魚後驚覺,二月是不是不太適合吃虱目魚呀?似乎魚肚都不夠肥的感覺~ Google 完發現,虱目魚最肥美的季節是八月!
After I have them, I found that February might not be the best time to eat milkfish. Based on the results of Google, it's August.
704 台南市北區公園南路169號
704 台南市北區民德路85巷3號
2020年3月14日 星期六
[Czech Republic] Český Krumlov,Papa's Living Restaurant
早上參觀了克魯姆洛夫城堡,中午回到舊城區尋找美食,在 Google Maps 上找到這家 4.2 顆星且超過 1,500 則評價的 Papa's Living Restaurant,且抵達時還有些人聚集在門口,不確定是在排隊等入場還是剛吃飽要離開,總之,氛圍不錯,似乎可以期待。
After visiting the Český Krumlov Castle in the morning, we back to the old town to eat our lunch. We checked it on Google Maps and found Papa's Living Restaurant with 4.2 stars based on more than 1,500 people. We believe it should be really good.
The price is cheap. The steak is only about NTD 500. So we had the Filet beefsteak, Papa's ribs, Pilsner and a glass of wine.
We're lucky to have a seat just next to the river. The sunshine with the cold beer, it's a wonderful enjoyment in fall.
上菜囉!真是豐盛又美味的一餐,肋排烤得非常香,真的是吮指美味,且口味上只是微甜,很適合我的口味;五分熟的菲力,很軟,很嫰,牛肉甜味十分明顯,再灑一點搭配的美麗岩鹽 (或是粗鹽?) 與胡椒,真棒!
The food is delicious. The ribs smell terrific and the taste is finger-licking good, wonderful. And the beefsteak is amazing. It's soft and luscious. With some salt and peppers, the flavor is so detectable.
這餐吃下來不過 992 捷克克朗,也就是 1,300 台幣左右,真是划算又美味~
It costs CZK 992 which is about NTD 1,300. That's cheap compares to Taiwan. You may need to pay more than 2,000 to have the steak and ribs with the same quality.
We were lucky there may be a competition on the Vltava river. So we went there to have a walk after lunch.
Papa's Living Restaurant:
Latrán 13, 381 01 Český Krumlov
2020年3月7日 星期六
[Czech Republic] Český Krumlov,克魯姆洛夫城堡 (Český Krumlov Castle)
要從舊城區前往位於伏爾塔瓦河另一側的克魯姆洛夫城堡共有兩條路,一是經過東側的 Lazebnický Most,一是經過西側的 Lávka pod Zámkem,西側連接的,便是斗篷橋,可從下方拍攝完整的斗篷橋,為什麼會特別強調這件事呢?因為在 Český Krumlov 的前兩天一直沒有拍到這個畫面,但又明明記得有在網路上見過分享,所以在第三天的早上特地翻找地圖才找到,故先分享一下,以免有人像我一樣,未詳細研究地圖而錯過。
There are two ways to go to the Český Krumlov Castle from the old town. The first one is go from the east side which will pass the Lazebnický Most and the second one is from the west side and pass the Lávka pod Zámkem. From the west side, you will go there under the Plášťový most.
If you go there from the east side, you will reach a fork in the road when you passed the bridge. Both the two ways can get to the castle. If you take the left one, it's a shortcut with lots of stairs.
Before getting into the castle, you can find a couple of the bears here.
Get through the arch is the square of the castle and you can buy the ticket here to visit some private area of the castle, for example the top of the Castle Tower.
This is the only photo we took in the castle, because it's not officially started. It's still OK for taking photos.
The tour includes the history of the castle, the family and also the collections. What most impressed me is a golden carriage. It had really running on the road. Think about that, a shiny golden carriage on the road. Wow, it's kind of luxury. And I remembered the tour guide also said it only used around 100 or 200 gram of golds to cover all the carriage. This is the first time I have a clear idea how thin the gold can be.
剛開始參觀沒多久,導遊打開一扇窗戶,說大家可以在此拍攝 CK 小鎮,因為這是向外拍,不受管制,大家都想留個比較不一樣的角度的 CK 小鎮,就輪流在此拍張照;回來整理照片時,看起來覺得其實也沒有特別不一樣,不用為了拍這張照片而花錢進來參觀,如果對城堡的歷史沒有興趣的話!我還故意拍了百葉窗,才確認了這是從那扇窗戶往外拍的克魯姆洛夫。
The window here is the only place we can take pictures in the castle because you're seeing the landscape of the town, not the castle.
如果你跟我一樣,想在黃昏時分再上彩繪塔欣賞黃昏時分的 CK 小鎮,卻不小心錯過了時間,沒關係,門票隔日仍有效,可於隔天一早再來欣賞晨光下的小鎮,不過彩繪塔本身就沒有導覽活動了,稍微逛逛,直接上最高層看看整個小鎮即可。
When finish the tour, it's still early afternoon. We planned to came to the Castle Tower when sunset but we missed. If this also happened on you, don't worry, you can back on the 2nd day just like we did in the light of the sunrise.
Get through the buildings and you'll reach the Plášťový most. There are some statues on the sides of it. This is a place you can seeing the whole town.
再往前,則有一排的砲孔 (我猜的),則是第二個點。
Further are some holes which can make your photos interesting.
Next to the holes is a sightseeing platform, and there is also a store there which sells cafe and snacks. It's really relax to have an afternoon tea with such good view.
Most tourists just stop here. If you still have time, go further to the Castle Garden. It's beautiful and much more peaceful.
Attached several photos of the night scene of the town Český Krumlov as the ending.