With the sunny day, it's a good time to visit Kiyomizu-dera at night.
The buildings looks much more beautiful with the clean sky.
Enter the Hondo, you can see the beautiful garden outside and also the fantastic lamps.
It's a little bit pity that the Hondo is under re-construction.
Even though, there are still a lot of people.
Before leaving, the reflection of the small pond is also really attractive.
The blog I updated in 2016.
Time I visited: November 24th, 2018.
Best time to see: in mid to late November.
〒 605‐0862 京都市東山区清水一丁目
2019年2月28日 星期四
2019年2月23日 星期六
[Japan] 京都,伏見區,2018年再訪伏見稻荷大社 (Fushimi Inari-taisha)
After having launch at the Nezameya, we visited the Fushimi Inari-taisha.
I guess this is the busiest chōzuya (or temizuya) I've visited. There are so many people here.
These two photos are took at Higashimaru Shrine.
The sky is clean. It's a good day for having a hiking. Walk through the torii, you're walking on the Inariyama (holy mountain of Inariyama).
(不知為何,路邊立了一個捐獻表,有著各式大小的鳥居與捐獻金額的對照表,這些立在山道兩旁的大鳥居,應該是10號吧,嗯,捐獻130萬日幣就可以「成就 GET」!)
(How much money you donate, how big the torii may be. The biggest one (No. 10) may need you to donate ¥ 1,302,000.)
There are two areas, the Senbon Torii and the Inariyama. You may walk through the Senbon Torii in 30 minutes. If you want to go through the whole Inariyama, please reserve at least two hours here. It's really big.
One more thing, don't forget to bring water. If you forgot, buy it as early as you can. The water is sold for ¥ 150 at the bottom of the hill. When you go up, the price also rises. The most expensive price is ¥ 250 (if I remember correctly).
PS. 這次整個逛下來,我找到了三對獅子,其他都是狐狸。
PS. There are total 3 pairs of lions I found in the whole route.
Last time I came here for your information.
〒 612-0882 京都市伏見区深草薮之内町68番地
2019年2月16日 星期六
[Japan] 京都,伏見區,2018年再訪祢ざめ家 (Nezameya)
在下筆寫這篇部落格前,我又上了Google Maps查了一下評價,還是很多人不滿,平均只有2.7顆星,祢ざめ家真的是一間很特別的店,東西好吃,但服務就...不予置評,總之,請不要期待這兒會有日本店家一般的服務水準,這樣就不會太失望了,嘻~
The Nezameya is a really special/unique restaurant that I had visited. Many people love it and also a lot of people hate it. I checked the Google Maps again this year and the score is only 2.7 stars. Before you came, I should remind you that don't expect any good service from the waiter then you may feel more comfortable.
這次我們在十二點左右抵達祢ざめ家,大約有十幾個人在排隊,也發生了一點爭執,原來前方有一個八個人的團體,店家在將人請入店家後,來了兩個人說是那八人團體的成員想直接入座,雖然的確見到有從裡面出來一個人想作證,但仍然被店家拒絕,要求這兩位必須前往隊伍末端,重新開始排隊,耳中就聽到這兩位念念有詞,如果這八個人中有人上Google Maps評分,我猜分數大概也不好看;但這真的是店家的問題嗎?記得台灣也有店家有類似的需求,團體在到齊前是不可入座的,只是今天的例子可能是雙方語言不通,因此講不清楚,店家只好請遲到的兩位重新排隊。
If we talk about the service here, I have an example for you while I was in the line here. There is a group of 8 people before us. When the waiter invite them to get in, there are 6 people here actually. The other 2 people may be in other stores. Three minutes later, the 2 people came back and want to get into the restaurant directly, but the waiter stopped them and insisted they had to go the end of the line and wait again. I heard their complaint, does this a real bad service or just a misunderstanding between two people speak different languages?
The chef grills the eals just in front the restaurant. It smalls so good.
This time, I remember to order the eal rice and liver soup which can have more eals. My girl friend isn't hungry, so she ordered Sushi - 3 kinds.
It seems to be more rules on the wall...
I think the sushi is good, because the rice is good. The Saba Sushi is an unique sushi in Kyoto. For me, I'll say it's good to taste it.
The eal rice with the liver soup. It's so delicious for the eal and the rice. The problem is still the same, not enough eals.
If you interested, here is the blog two years ago.
〒 612-0807 Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto, Fushimi Ward, 深草稲荷御前町82-1