2020年7月11日 星期六

[Taiwan] 新北市,捷運大坪林站,Oli 西班牙餐酒館

在一個週五的晚上,女朋友挑了這間隱藏在巷弄間的 Oli 西班牙餐酒館,來個晚餐約會,就在捷運大坪林五號出口,過個馬路即可抵達,非常方便;因為隱密,或許很多人會錯過,或是沒信心,就在我們剛入座時,便體現了口耳相傳的威力,後續還有人想要現場入座,都被服務員以「今晚客滿」阻擋,受阻的客人,還有人是從內湖特地跑來,真是可惜,幸好我們搶到了最後的兩個吧台的位置,Lucky 啦~
On a Friday night, my girlfriend invites me to the Oli restaurante y bar to have our dinner. The location of the restaurant is really convenient if you take the Taipei metro. You can leave the Exit 5 of the Dapinglin station and go straight to cross the road and you'll find it. Remember to reserve your seat before you leave your home. When we sit in, some people were not able to have dinner here because it's already full. 

我們總共點了三道前菜,第一道是孢子甘藍佐豆腐松露優格醬 (280 元),一般來說,孢子甘藍都會略帶點苦味,這一盤菜心的苦味非常淡,微微的青菜甜味才是主味,再加上優格醬帶來的涼爽感,是一道非常清爽的開累沙拉。
We had three appetizers, the first one is Brussel Sprouts with Truffle & Tofu Yogurt (NTD 280). Based on my experience the Brussel Sprout may come as tiny bitter in taste, but not today. With the cool from the yogurt, it's really appetizing.

第二道是白蘭地冷壓初榨橄欖油泡大蒜蝦 (280 元),名字雖然有點拗口但不影響美味,蝦子很新鮮,橄欖油也很滑順好吃,搭配麵包,更能襯托出蝦子的香味及甜味,非常棒!
The Gambas al Ajillo (Garlic Shrimp, NTD 280) is the second. The shrimp is fresh and sweet. The olive oil is creamy, but not heavy. If you put the shrimp and olive oil on the bread, it's so yummy!

第三道是西班牙烘蛋,看起來很像是韓式烤肉店的烘蛋 (180 元),不過內餡加了馬鈴薯,烘蛋上則加了一題的大蒜美乃滋及松露醬,看起來不錯,吃起來我會說有點遜色,內餡加了馬鈴薯會讓口感變重,且容易有飽足感,我反而更喜歡韓式烘蛋,雞蛋的香甜更濃郁。
The third is Spanish Tortilla (NTD 180). It looks like Korean Fluffy Egg with the potato inside and mayonnaise and truffle sauce on top. It looks good but tastes so so. It's too complex for me. The Korean Fluffy Egg can deliver stronger of the smell and sweet of an egg. That's why I like it more.

最後是主食的海鮮烤飯 (小份 630 元,大份 1,080 元),基本上,小份是一人份,大份是兩人份,但如果食量偏少或是不打算吃太飽的人,建議在點了三道前菜後,海鮮烤飯點小份即可,上面照片是大份的海鮮烤飯。
從這份海烤飯可以吃得出廚師的功力,米粒偏硬,算是剛剛好熟的火候,聽說這是道地西班牙海鮮飯的熟度,雖然似乎原因是西班牙人不會煮米飯,沒辦法像我們煮得那麼Q彈,哈~重點是海鮮的鮮甜完全有進入米飯裡,非常香,非常好吃的米飯;且還能更上一層樓,建議前菜一定要點白蘭地冷壓初榨橄欖油泡大蒜蝦,把剩下的橄欖油 (配上一些大蒜) 再淋到米飯上,可以讓蝦香味更濃郁,更棒,真的是又流口水了~
The Seafood Paella is the main dish for tonight. We ordered the large size (NTD 1,080) as the photo shows. The rice is a little bit hard which I heard that's how a Spanish cooks the rice. Even though, the rice is full of the flavor of the shrimp and mussel. If you also order the Gambas al Ajillo (Garlic Shrimp), add some olive oil on the rice. The flavor will become stronger and it's finger-licking good.

由於今晚主食是海鮮烤飯,我們點了一瓶碎塊酒莊恐龍尾 (1,380 元) 佐餐,是一隻滑順的白酒,聞得出有果香,入口後則有淡淡的丹寧味可以中和今晚濃郁的蝦子甜味,還滿不錯的。
We have the Vins del Tros CENT X CEMT 2016 with dinner. It's smooth and can balance the strong flavor of the shrimp. It's a good choice for me.

Oli restaurante y bar:
231 新北市新店區中興路三段220巷2號