2016年5月21日 星期六

[Taiwan] 台北,捷運西門站,無名日式料理 (No Brand Japanese Restaurant)

The "No Brand Japanese Restaurant", I found it via someone's blog that says it's one of the Top 10 restaurants near Metro Ximen. So I came here to try it on a Friday night.

The menu is on the wall. When you decide what to eat, just tell the waiter. And there are more tables on the second floor.

It's famous with the Sushi and Oden. Above is the Sushi with NTD 90. The fish is fresh but cooking skill of the chef is bad. There are too much rice in one sushi, so the rice is too tight and hard and taste not good. And the soy sauce is too much on the fish. It covers the sweat flavor from the fish.

The Oden with big size (NTD 120). It's good especially for the cabbage roll. The cabbage with the soy tastes really good. The radish is really soft and with good flavor of the soup.

108 台北市萬華區昆明街127號 (昆明街和內江街交叉口) 

