2015年11月29日 星期日

[Taiwan] 台北,捷運新北投站,滿來溫泉拉麵

Today, I went to Beitou with several colleagues. One introduces us that this ManLai Repast (a Ramen restaurant) is very good. When we arrived there, it's just around eleven thirty in the morning, there are so many people already waiting outside of the place. 

幸好,餐廳的排隊機制做得相當不錯,提供了號碼牌讓大家抽取,而且號碼牌上還附有QR Code,智慧手機掃瞄一下,馬上就知道有多少客人在自己的前面,可以隨時掌握進度,決定何時應該要回到餐廳準備用餐;於是我們在拿了號碼牌後,接著就去逛了北投圖書館與北投博物館,也算是好好地利用了這段時間。
So we took the number first, and then go to the Beitou Library and Beitou Museum. There is a very convenient hint for waiting that I never seen before. The number has a QR code on it. You may use the smart phone to scan it and then you will know how many people are waiting on the line in front of you. So you can know when should come back for ordering and eating.

The restaurant looks a little bit old style. I think it's kind of normal for a restaurant that would like to show that it has opened for many years.

The egg tofu is really delicious and with really strong egg flavor which is not easy to find another place has similar taste. Most place just serve the regular tofu. It's good.

The spa-boiled egg is the English name I found by Google. I don't know if this is the right name for it. Anyway, I love the eggs with over easy. It's my favorite about how to cook an egg.

This is the Syouyu Chashiu Ramen. The noodle is kind of hard. And I just learned a word from Internet, it's al dente which means firm texture in Italian. The Chashiu also has similar flavor, not so soft compares to other which still keep the meat taste. I love it. There is another thing that depends on different people. The taste of the soup is already modified for Taiwanese, which means it's not as salty as for Japanese. 

112 台北市北投區中山路1-8號

