2019年6月29日 星期六

[Taiwan] 宜蘭,礁溪,春捲伯

上週末,和女朋友來了趟宜蘭小旅行,大約八點半從台北出發,十點半不到就到宜蘭,我想以週六早上來說,這天的交通情況應該算是比較好的;也由於比預期早到,我們先去羅東林場走走,樹多,比較不曬一點,接著在十二點左右到了礁溪市區的超牛B牛肉麵吃午餐, 仍然一樣地好吃,兩大塊的牛肉加牛筋,真的好滿足呀~
Last weekend, we had a tour to Yilan. We left Taipei around 8:30 and arrive Yilan around 10:15. I think the traffic is OK, just spent less than 2 hours on a Saturday morning. Because it's early, we went to Luodong Forestry Culture Garden first then the Super Niubi (arrived around 12:00) for our lunch. It's still so delicious. 

It's still too early to check-in the hotel, so we came here. A small stand sells the spring rolls and fried prawn cutlets only. It's introduced by a friend of my girl friend, it's a must eat for her. After today, it's also my must eat in Yilan.

Usually you may need to wait couple minutes. It's just a small stand on the street. Almost every 2 or 3 minutes, you will see a car drive through and park nearby. And comes a person to buy the spring rolls or fried prawn cutlets. 
The spring roll is crispy and full of Chinese chives. It tastes so fresh. 

262 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉育龍路21號

