2020年5月23日 星期六

[Taiwan] 苗栗縣,三義鄉,賴新魁麵館 vs 金榜麵館

There are two popular restaurants in Sanyi. They both are famous of the Hakka flat noodles. The first one is Lai Xin Kui Noodles which has the menu with photos which is easier for foreigners to understand.

我們總共點了兩碗麵 (板條),三道菜,加上一碗湯,板條是這兩間麵館的特色,一定要點,Q彈好吃,想吃飽一點,加點個餛飩也很棒!小菜的部分也很不錯,只是調味偏鹹;特色菜則是燙韭菜,很大一盤,雖然我平常挺愛吃韭菜的,但這天我還是吃到覺得膩,或許韭菜這樣口味比較重的菜,不適合一下子吃那麼多吧!如果是四人以上團體,可以點來嚐嚐,人數太少我就不建議了。
We had the Hakka flat noodles, some side dishes and a soup. The Hakka flat noodles are tasty and chewy. The side dishes taste good but too salty for me. And they have a really unique boiled Chinese chives. It's yummy at first, but I felt too much after I finish half of them. I guess it's because the taste of the Chinese chives may be too strong. If you came here with a group more than three people, I recommend you to try it.
My favorite is the soup with sliced pork head. The pork is soft and with a big portion that make me feel so satisfied. It is scrumptious

The next day we came to the Jin Bang Noodles. The menu only has Chinese characters which is really traditional in Taiwan. You may need to understand Mandarin or you can watch what others ordered.

The taste of Jin Bang Noodles is not that salty. We like the taste here more than Lai Xin Kui Noodles. But I like how Lai Xin Kui Noodles cook the soup with sliced pork head. It has the big chops which is really important while eating meat. I will choose Lai Xin Kui Noodles because of this next time I come.

For additional information, both restaurants have their own parking space cross the street. And the Jin Bang Noodles has more tables which means it can serves more customers.

367 苗栗縣三義鄉中正路170之1號

367 苗栗縣三義鄉中正路170-7號

2020年5月16日 星期六

[Taiwan] 苗栗縣,三義鄉,2020年再訪龍騰斷橋

The Longteng Bridge is next to the Shengxing railway station, maybe just 10 minutes drive. Maybe is because of the COVID-19 or maybe is because we came here during the week days, there are few people visit here during our stay.

This is the first time I know it, the "black skin" stinky tofu. The black skin is natural and I didn't taste any special flavor on it. It's a good stinky tofu with crispy skin and soft inside with delicious tasty. Bite one with the Taiwanese kimchi, wow~so good.

Don't forget to go up to the railway. There are many tung trees.

367 苗栗縣三義鄉龍騰村

2020年5月10日 星期日

[Taiwan] 苗栗縣,三義鄉,2020年再訪勝興車站

這次來到苗栗,第一個景點是勝興車站,但其實並不是為了看這座台灣蹤貫鐵路海拔最高 (標高 402 公尺) 的車站,而是為了只有週末才營業的「老吳鐵馬臭豆腐」;來到此處才發現,這就是一個延著苗49縣道建立的小鎮,最北方的小景點是「大頭站」,在「大頭站」前有個公共停車場,若人多,建議可將車停在此處,以免進入人山人海的小鎮中心,到了勝興車站本體,就差不多要離開小鎮了,大約上面地圖勝興甩尾場前有另一個停車場,我們將車停在此處,穿過小徑便可直接抵達勝興車站的鐵軌,從小鎮的南方 (也是最熱鬧,店家最多的地方) 開始參觀。
The Shengxing railway station is the first spot I visited in Miaoli this time. It's a small town along the 49 county road of Miaoli. There are two public parking lots, one is before getting in to the town and the other one is just leaving at the corner leaving the town. If it's a crowded day, I may suggest you to park before getting into the town to save the time.

You can find the beautiful tung flowers and the old station for visit.

進入市區,找到這次的目標─老吳鐵馬臭豆腐,人潮的確不少,不過因為都是已經滷好的餐點,老闆只要裝盤即可,移動速度滿快的,若只是想吃點東西,三號餐 (小碗) 即可,真的想吃到很飽再點五號餐,小碗裡裝著滿滿的料,入味的臭豆腐,豬血糕,大腸等等,好好吃喔~
The most famous food stand here is the Wu's stinky tofu. I recommend you to try the small size one if you don't want to eat too much. It's delicious and full of stinky tofu and Zhu xue gao (pig blood cake).

We came back on the next day to join the tour - Old Mountain Line Rail Bike from Shengxing railway station to Longteng Bridge.

367 苗栗縣三義鄉勝興村14鄰勝興89號

2020年5月3日 星期日

[Taiwan] 苗栗縣,三義鄉,西湖渡假村 (住宿 & 早餐)

We stayed at the West Lake Resortopia for 2 nights. Our room is at the Pine Garden House.

The bathroom is at the left-hand side when you get in. There is a counter on the right-hand side.

書桌,沙發,電視和床舖也算中規中矩,挺舒服的;電視頻道部分則是提供 MOD,可惜沒有太多影片或是影集可看。
The furnitures are new and comfortable. It's a little pity that the MOD doesn't have lots movies. 

Overall, the quality of the hardware is good for staying here but I don't like the breakfast. We didn't have much choices for the breakfast. For example, there is only boiled eggs. Usually I may expect for fried, scrambled and boiled at least.

36742 苗栗縣三義鄉11號

2020年5月2日 星期六

[Taiwan] 苗栗縣,三義鄉,西湖渡假村賞油桐花

Miaoli is famous for the tung tree and you can easily find them in West Lake Resortopia.

It looks as if it had snowed in the resort.

It's interesting to find the major lantern of the Taipei Lantern Festival 30 years ago. 

The landscape is really good, don't forget to go on the highest spot to have the best view.


36742 苗栗縣三義鄉11號