2020年5月1日 星期五

[Taiwan] 苗栗縣,三義鄉,西湖渡假村賞螢

由於台灣疫情趨緩,利用這難得的機會來到了苗栗的西湖渡假村,聽說這兒也是個很棒的賞螢火蟲的景點,白天可在園區走走,晚上則來 1820忘憂谷看螢火蟲,整天都不必離開,哈~
來西湖渡假村賞螢火蟲有兩種方式,一是直接在此住宿,住宿費用就包含了賞營票價,另一便是晚上再來購票,成人票為台幣 250 元,園區提供了三個梯次,晚上六點半,七點,七點半,會有導遊帶領大家前往 1820忘憂谷,之後就自由賞螢,如果只是來觀賞螢火蟲,可以依此三梯次前來,忘憂谷可開放到八點半,時間是足夠的,但若是想來拍照,建議是六點半就進入忘憂谷,利用落日餘暉調整一下拍照的焦距等參數,這樣在全黑的夜晚才能拍到清晰的照片。
Since Taiwan controls the COVID-19 well at this moment, we arrange a tour to West Lake Resortopia to see the Firefly. You can stay here for one night and it will include the night tour to see it. Or you can spend NTD 250 to buy the ticket to visit the 1820 Sorrowless Valley for the Firefly. There are three tours one night, 1830, 1900 and 1930. If you want to take photos, I recommend you to come earlier and directly to go to the valley because the tour starts from the front gate. 

順便記錄一下,第二第三張的螢火蟲照片,是在地圖的登山步道 2 號入口拍攝的,步道上聚集了許多螢火蟲,是一個很棒的拍攝地點。
I stay at West Lake Resortopia for two nights. The first night is checking for the environment and I got some nice photos on the 2nd night. This is the first time to get so many fireflies in one photo which proves it will take at least 10 minutes exposure for one photo. 

36742 苗栗縣三義鄉11號

