2015年1月11日 星期日

[US] Nevada,Las Vegas,Mon Ami Gabi

My friend recommend us can try the breakfast in Mon Ami Gabi, because they serve huge size of cafe like below. Since we stayed in Bellagio, we only need to across the Strip to have breakfast here and we can also have a good view for Bellagio while eating breakfast here.

(這一碗拿鐵,菜單上叫做Cafe Latte in a Bowl,要價七美元(7 US dollars)) 

This might be a little expensive restaurant, but in Las Vegas, it might just be a normal price restaurant. Most breakfast is around 12 or 13 US dollars. We select Grilled Prime Steak & Egg Platter (18.95) and Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict (15.95).

記得炒牛肉的牛肉塊相當好吃,可能因為是Prime等級,再加上廚師的功力也不錯,Egg Platter則是不錯。
The Grilled Prime Steak & Egg Platter cooked good, the steak is juicy and soft.

The smoke salmon is also nice. Even the taste is not that strong, with the vegetables, it provides multiple layers of the flavor and taste good.

Mon Ami Gabi 地址:
3655 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89109

