2015年1月5日 星期一

[US] 美國租車旅行


Before Christmas, I had mentioned to couple colleagues that I plan to go to Las Vegas and Grand Canyon. Some of them said I'm more American than they did, because I've been to so many places and will go more. Some also recommend me to rent a car which might be safer to use the 2nd hand car from company. I decided to rent a car from Enterprise for this trip.


1. 地點好,就在附近,而且還有接送服務,不用傷腦筋該怎麼前往租車公司。
2. 沒有哩程限制。

There are two advantages to rent from Enterprise:

1. It's very close and it has pick-up service. I don't need to worry how to get there for renting and back to hotel after returning the car.
2. No miles limits.

沒想到,租車時,業務員看我們行李偏多,覺得租一般轎車(Full size等級)可能會不方便,問我要不要昇級成休旅車?這樣裝載行李的容量才比較充足,考慮了三分鐘,一天的租金只增加五元美金,就租了,就租了上圖的雪佛蘭 Equinox,本次旅程的總哩程數是1440哩,換算是2304公里,繞台灣跑了兩圈!回來之後一查,賺大了,從Full size等級升了三級到Minivan,Full size一般一天租金是30美金,Minivan則是65美金,而我一天只要多付5美金,哈哈~

On December 22, when we arrived Enterprise, the Sales suggest us to upgrade the car because of the luggage we bring with us. It might be too many for a full-size car. Only USD 5 difference to upgrade to Minivan, the 2012 Chevrolet Equinox. So, the Equinox go with me for the whole trip, 1440 miles (from 18260 to 19700). After the trip and go to Enterprise to check, the regular price of Minivan level car is USD 65 per day. I earn USD 30 per day by this deal, ha~


When checking the receipt, I found another thing could be considered while renting a car. The price for a whole week rental is much cheaper than for couple days. One day may be USD 35, but for a week, it's only USD 180 which means only USD 26 per day, just 2/3 of the regular price.


There is also another thing which I think it's a little weird. If you late for 3 hours to return the car, you should come back next day. Just late for 3 hours will be charged for a whole day expense...

PS. 保險部分,一天32美金全包,還分成四種保險,我沒仔細研究,就全保了,結果就是保險比車費還貴...

PS. About the insurance, it divides to 4 different kinds which I don't understand very well. Just pay for all. Details are as below for reference.
保險種類 (Insurance)
USD 14.99
USD  3.00
USD  3.99
USD 12.44

PS2. 旅程中,曾經開上時速160公里,爽!
PS2. By the way, I've drove up to 100 miles per hour, awesome.

