2015年9月27日 星期日

[US] California,San Diego,Soledad Mountain

吃完晚飯,雖然比預期晚了一點,但還有一點天光,決定按照預定行程,前往索拉達山(Soledad Mountain)等夕陽,與欣賞聖地牙哥夜景。
When finish the dinner at the Fish Market, it's still not the time to go back to the hostel. It's California in summer, so it's still day time around 8 o'clock. So we drove to Soledad Mountain to wait the sun goes down for the night view of San Diego.

The mountaintop is the site of the Mount Soledad cross, and it was designated a Korean War memorial. Even though, I think it's simple and clean. It's beautiful.

在面海側,可以看到的是La Jolla,我覺得海岸線的弧度很美,遠方有霧氣籠罩,近端華燈初上,真的很漂亮!
Face to ocean side, it's La Jolla where we spent the whole day there today. I like the atmosphere and also the landscape I can see from here. The bay is gorgeous.

The other side is the landscape of San Diego. I'm lucky that there is a car leaving while taking the photo, so I can get the star effect on the photo. It's a little pity that we didn't come here at the day time. If so, maybe we can recognize some famous buildings and then observe how it looks like in the night time. 

The Mount Soledad cross 地址:

6437 Caminito Blythefield
La Jolla, CA 92037

PS. Google到了一個有趣的連結,索拉達山正好就是蘇斯博士最後居住的地點,白天剛去看過紀念他的蓋澤爾圖書館,晚上則是來到了他的故居,雖然我不知他的故居是否有開放讓人參觀,我猜是沒有,資料上寫其遺孀仍居住在此。

PS. I found an interesting coincidence, the Soledad Mountain is the last home of Dr. Seuss. And we just went to the Geisel Library in the day time which is named for him.

