2019年11月2日 星期六

[Austria] 上奧地利,Hallstatt 哈爾斯塔特

世界十大最美小鎮之一的 Hallstatt,我覺得這是這次拍到最美的照片,因為有一片不可複製的山嵐飄過,且湖面又平靜地將一切都倒映了出來,真的是需要天時地利人合才拍得到的絕美照片~雖然這次因為水氣高而沒有美美的藍天,這張照片就值得了~
I think this photo is the best one during our trip at Hallstatt. The mist just over the town and it's reflected clearly by the lake which is really hard to be replicated. And we got it!

想幫小鎮拍照,其實地點並不多,大家首先抵達的點,基本上都是位在南方的碼頭 (公車站牌亦在此),大家首先就會在此先拍照,通常照片上就會包含湖濱大道及小鎮主體,進了小鎮往北走,就會開始逛逛商家,穿過小鎮之後,抵達北端被 Google Maps 標示為「哈爾斯塔特展望點」的熱門拍照景點,也是上圖與大多數明信片的取景點。
Usually, people will arrive the Hallstatt Lahn station first, no matter you take the ferry or the bus. That's the first place you will take out the camera to take photos. Then you'll go north to get through the town to a place which is marked as Classic Village Viewpoint on Google Maps. The distance between them is just about 1 km. In general, it may just take you 10 minutes to walk 1 km. In this town, you may spend 1 to 2 hours because you may find some interesting spots to stop and take pictures.

這次住在湖對岸的 Obertraun,三天兩夜中,我們來了三次小鎮,第二天吃完早餐後,覺得天氣挺不錯的,應該來逛逛;逛完搭車去附近的景點五指山,從山上下來已近黃昏,覺得黃昏的光線可能會給小鎮帶來不同的美,就又搭車來了一次,還待到晚上拍夜景;第三天一早,覺得前一天觀光客太多,搭 0645 的第一班公車又來了一次,總共三次,體會了 Hallstatt 清晨,白天與夜晚不同的景緻。
During our stay, we visit Hallstatt three times (because we stay at Obertraun and we need to take the bus to go to Hallstatt), the 2nd day morning, evening (back from the Five Fingers), and the early morning on the 3rd day. The light and the tourists make Hallstatt different at different timing.

(The landscape on the bus)

這是白天,早上的景色,湖裡很容易看到有鴨子或是天鵝,很適合放進照片裡作為配角,這是在 Lahn 碼頭拍攝的照片。
Above photos were taken on the 2nd day morning at Hallstatt Lahn. Add the duck or goose or the boat in your photo will make it different.

Taken at the Classic Village Viewpoint.

本來是想黃昏過來的,沒想到入秋後,太陽落山得早,五指山又花得比原訂的時程久,只來得及拍到夜景,個人覺得,夜景只要在 Lahn 碼頭附近拍拍即可,不用走到哈爾斯塔特展望點了,因為另一側的燈光太少,畫面中會有太多的黑色。
The night view at Hallstatt Lahn and the Classic Village Viewpoint. I think the view at Hallstatt Lahn is better because it has more lights.

我個人是最喜歡第三天一早七點左右的 Hallstatt,晨光加上小鎮的燈光,給人很溫暖的感覺,或許跟這幾天的氣溫總是在十度上下也有關係吧~
I like the atmosphere at the early morning. I guess it's because of the morning light and the amber light from the street lights.

The photo is taken at 7:30 at the Classic Village Viewpoint. There are more than 10 people already. No one is in the town, all are here.

這三次來到 Hallstatt 小鎮,第一次比較像是踩點,先去看看大景點的位置,該怎麼走,在腦中地圖建立景點方位;第二次來拍夜景點時,才能快狠準得趕到預定位置,因為一直有個要趕搭 2000 末班車的壓力,甚至因為隧道施工的關係,都做好了可能會脫班,甚至取消,要自己走路回 Obertraun 的準備 (準備小點心,帶著頭燈);真正比較有逛到小鎮的時間,是第三天的早上,避開大路,去小路走走看看,才能看到更多小小景點。
For a quick summary, the first time to visit the small town is to know where the famous spots are. To be prepared for next time. The second time is coming to see the night view of Hallstatt. Because we need to take the last bus which will leave Hallstatt Lahn at 2000. We need to do things quickly. The last day visit it is the time we really can take it easy. To walk on the small streets to see some different or unusual things.

The crowded seestraße and empty seestraße.

I heard this is a famous restaurant. It's pity that we didn't have a chance to sit down.

The empty Central Square. With the amber lights, it feels warmer.

Below are some special corners.
(從不同的地點拍 Hallstatt) 
(Take photo from different viewpoint)

(They told me to slow down, don't leave. Take more photos of them, ha~)

(These two houses are at the north side of the Classic Village Viewpoint, it's more quiet and peace.)

(A special mail box.)

(The salt miner may sit here to have a rest.)
最後,如果你也想收集個來自 Hallstatt 的郵戳,我在上面的地圖有標示出郵局的位子,從那兒把明信片寄出即可,招牌小小的,可以先用 Google 街景看一下比較好找。
If you want something special for yourself, maybe you can send a post card from here to have the stamp with Hallstatt on it. I've highlight where the post office is on the map. It's not easy to find, you could check it on Google Maps before you go there.

