2019年11月30日 星期六

[Germany] 巴伐利亞州 Bavaria,國王湖 (Königssee, King's Lake)

隔天在飯店用完早餐,在公車總站搭乘 841 / 842 前往國王湖,由於早餐豐盛,趕到車站時人潮眾多,擔心搭不上車,幸好站方可能也評估人數太多,一次連發兩班車,讓大家都能順利上車前往國王湖。
有一點要注意一下,國王湖不再是最終站了 (出發前在幾個部落格上都看到說是搭到最末一站),但幸好有注意到抵達 Königssee 時的下車人潮,跟著下車才確認,下車地點正確,而最終站則是 Jennerbahn,我猜那兒有纜車可搭,因為站名後有個纜車符號,但因為未曾有人介紹,同時也沒有時間可以去探險,一路跟著人潮走到碼頭,買票,很快地就上了船。
After the breakfast at the Hotel Bavaria Superior, we just arrived the bus station on time. I had a little bit worried because there are so many people waiting in the line. If we need to take next bus, it may waste at least 30 minutes. Fortunately, there are two buses to take all the visitors. I guess that's because the officer arranged another bus immediately to take all the people. 
There is one thing I would like to remind the visitors, the Königssee is not the last station for bus 841. The last one is Jennerbahn which might have gondola there. When you get off the bus, you can just follow the crowd to go to the pier and buy the ticket to the
Pier Salet Alm - Upper Lake which is only opened in summer.

船行到半途,船長會將船停下來,吹一段小號 (應該是吧?我跟樂器不熟~),讓大家聽一下回聲,個人覺得這個節目普普,既沒有錄影,也沒拍照,就沒有照片可放,但女朋友覺得這一段超美,不想分心拿手機出來錄影破壞當下美景,兩個人,兩種感受供參考,不過結果一樣,我們手上沒有照片或是影像檔,好奇的人麻煩上網找一下,應該挺多介紹的。
Today is a cloudy day and sometimes drizzles. Since it is really humid, the mist is really beautiful in the mountains.
The captain will stop the boat and play trumpet for the tourists to hear the clear echo. The sound is really clean. I think the show is so so, so I didn't take photos. But my girlfriend thinks it's so beautiful, she didn't want to take the smartphone to break her emotion at that moment. By the end, we don't have any photos or videos on hand. 

看到這個暱稱紅蔥頭教堂的聖巴爾多祿茂教堂 (St. Bartholomä),就知道已來到國王湖的中間點,可以下船走走逛逛,記得附近也有餐廳,若是未帶午餐,時間上又差不多,倒是可以先下船用過午餐後再繼續向更南邊的上湖進發 (上湖只有夏天開放,一般只開放到十月十五號前後,這次我們剛好安排在十月十日來訪,還可以繼續往南行)。
Here is the Pier St. Bartholomä, the middle of Königssee. You may take a rest here and eat some food then go to the Upper Lake. The Upper Lake only opened during the summer time, usually will be closed in October to April next year.

We went to Upper Lake first, and back here around 3 o'clock. When we arrived, the rain just became really heavy. Everyone just stay in the church and wait. Luckily, it just stopped after 15 minutes and the blue sky came out. With the clean and fresh air, grass and the water, I enjoyed the peaceful here. 
Around one hour later, we went to the pier to take the cruise back. There are a lot of people, I guessed we might miss 3 or 4 ferries, about 30 minutes, before got on it.  

