2015年8月23日 星期日

[US] California,La Jolla,The Cottage

從洛杉磯開車到聖地牙哥,在週六早上大約需要兩小時,因為不想早起,就安排在La Jolla (拉霍亞,拉荷雅)的The Cottage享用早午餐,這是一間在La Jolla還滿知名的餐廳,出發前幾天和同事聊起這間餐廳,他馬上就知道我要去哪裡,還提醒幾乎隨時都要排隊一小時左右,還好我最後只等了三十分鐘左右(當時侍者預估的等待時間是45分鐘)。
The Cottage is a very famous brunch restaurant in La Jolla. When I mentions to a friend that I'm coming here for brunch, he recognized which restaurant it is and reminded me there may always be a line here for maybe one hour. When I really arrived, I waited for about 30 minutes although the waiter told me to wait for 45 minutes. 

抵達時,附近還不算難停車,算是挺方便的,不過的確已有不少人正在外面等待用餐了,就隨意地拍拍照,發現了兩個好消息,一個是The Cottage不再只供應早,午餐(之前Google Maps上的資料是只營業到下午三點),還開放到晚餐了;另一個好消息則是這間餐廳不止吸引東方面孔來吃飯,還有不少西方人,就我的了解,其他西方人挺不愛排隊的,幾乎是一問到要排隊就會放棄,不像台灣人或是日本人,聽到要排隊反而會更想去。
When I arrived, I have a good news and a bad news. Bad news is that there is really a line, so I waited for half an hour. Good news is The Cottage is not a brunch restaurant anymore, they also serve for the dinner, ha~ And another good news is that not only Asian people is waiting in the line, also includes the American/European which means the taste should be good, not only for a specified of group.

(La Jolla Presbyterian Church)

(St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church)
Since I had time, I took a walk for the neighbors. I found two churches and they are very close. I think this is interesting.

And I think this is an art just demonstrated in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego.

這個海邊應該是Coast Boulevard Park,不大,感覺很不錯,沙子挺細,海水也乾淨,而且人又少,還看到一個女孩帶著書,在這兒的板凳上放鬆地閱讀,感覺真是享受~
And I also walk to the beach, I guess it's the Coast Boulevard Park, it looks like a really nice beach. Not so many people and the water is so clean. You can easily relax and enjoy the time. I even found a girl brings a book and read there (in the last photo). That's how a vacation should be.

回到The Cottage,網路看到有人推薦的料理是Eggs La Jolla,不過因為我不是很喜歡美式那硬硬脆脆的培根(我不確定這兒是不是會將其煎得硬硬脆脆的),我點了Baja Chicken Hash,好吃,我超愛這兒的半熟蛋,直接將蛋黃放入口中,再將其咬破,讓蛋黃汁液充滿口腔的感覺真是太美妙了~如果讓我推薦,來這兒點半熟蛋類的料理就對了!
Some bloggers recommend to try the Eggs La Jolla. Since I don't really like the crispy bacon in US, I try Baja Chicken Hash which is also really, really good. Especially for the eggs. I love the flavor while uncooked yolk melting in my mouth. That's one of my favorite. For me, I will say all the stuff with eggs here should be delicious.

When I finished, there is no one waiting and time is around 2 o'clock. If someone wants to come and can eat lunch a little bit late, maybe you should come after two since they shouldn't close at three.

The Cottage 地址:
7702 Fay Ave
San Diego, CA 92037

