2015年8月9日 星期日

[US] California,Rowland Heights,川媽 Chuan Ma Noodle House

這天,利用Yelp在羅蘭岡尋找新餐廳,結果第一家就是Chuan Ma Noodle House,抬頭四望,找不到,決定每家都在門口晃晃好了,走沒兩家才發現,原來Chuan Ma就是川媽,不過看不到裡面有人,繼續往前走,逛完一圈沒有特別吸引人的,就還是回到川媽來吃四川味!
One day, I would like to find something new in Rowland Heights, so I use Yelp to search for restaurants nearby. I found the first one is Chuan Ma, but I couldn't find any restaurant's name is that. I can only go around the square and check every restaurant if I want to eat it. Suddenly, I found the Chuan Ma. The words are so small that I couldn't see it when I stand at the middle of the square. So this is it.

I ordered the Beef Noodle Soup which should be the famous of the restaurant. When I saw it, the soup is so red which makes me a little bit worried. Actually, it's not spicy. It just looks spicy although it makes me sweat a lot. The beef is really soft and taste good. 

I also had a Stewed Pig Ear as the side dish. It's soft and juicy which is a bit different than Taiwan. In Taiwan, most restaurants make this as crispy. It's something new and taste good for me.

川媽 Chuan Ma Noodle House 地址:
18438 Colima Road, Suite #31
Rowland Heights, CA 91748

