2016年2月10日 星期三

[Taiwan] 高雄,市立圖書館總館

When my friend told me that I should go to the library, I was so surprised. I never realized that a library in Taiwan can be a spot for a tourist. Taipei has Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch and Kaohsiung has Kaohsiung Public Library.

第一眼看到總館,讓我想起了在地球另一側,位於加州La Jolla的蓋澤爾圖書館,兩者都由整片的落地窗構成了每一層的外牆,也都聳立在一個相對空曠的地方,沒想到當我進入館內後,兩者更加地相像了,總館把供讀者看書的位子都放在每一層的四周,直接利用天光來看書,累了就可以看看窗的風景,真棒,當時我就很喜歡蓋澤爾圖書館這樣的設計,原來在高雄也能有相同的享受,讚!
When I saw the library, it makes me think about the Geisel Library in La Jolla. Just because the ceiling windows on each floor. When I get in, I was so surprised. There are chairs around the windows on each floor just like Geisel Library. Everyone can enjoy the landscape when tired. That's really a good design.

When go up to the roof, there is an open space to read and watch for the landscape. I love this library. I spent about one hour to read at the roof. It's really good.

In the night, it's still beautiful. If you are a visitor to Kaohsiung, I'll strongly recommend you to come here.

80661 高雄市前鎮區新光路61號

