2018年12月8日 星期六

[Japan] 京都,中京區,錦市場 (Nishiki Market)

從關西機場搭乘 Haruka 列車來到京都,其時也三點半多,再加上 Check-in 耗去一點時間,可以出門走走時也下午四點鐘了,決定就散步去京都的廚房─錦市場逛逛,雖然我們已知這兒的店家,有許多的營業時間都只到下午五點 (早上九點開門);到了商店街門口才發現,人還不少。
When we arrived Kyoto, it's already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So we decide to walk to the Nishiki Market as an easy tour. The Nishiki Market is a marketplace in downtown Kyoto. Many people says it's the kitchen of Kyoto. Although most of the stores only opened from 9:00 to 17:00, there are still many people there.

Many stores here sells pickles, and you can find many Japanese came to buy it. For a tourist, I guess not many people may want to try it. We just look around.


這裡有家幾乎是我看過有介紹錦市場的部落客都會介紹的名店,三木雞卵,專門販售玉子燒的名店,我們不免俗地也買了一條小份的,日幣 480 元,很好吃,軟嫰香滑,帶點微微甜味,很棒。
Here is a famous Tamagoyaki store, Miki Keiran. Most bloggers may mentioned about this store when he/she visits Nishiki Market. We also buy one, it's really good. Hot, soft and a little bit sweet, not too much, delicious.

(The water of Nishiki, it's OK to drink.)

(This time, I found many places provide the stamps. If you want to collect them, you may need a big notebook.)

At the middle of Nishiki Market, it's the Nishiki Tenman-gū. Tenman-gū is a Shinto shrine which enshrines Sugawara no Michizane as Tenjin. He is the god of learning. If you want to get good grade at school, just come here.
Because he is the god of learning, people says when you pet the bull in the Tenman-gū, you will be wised. That's why it's so bright. 

Below are others also in the Nishiki Tenman-gū.


錦天滿宮 :

