2019年3月25日 星期一

[Japan] 京都,地鐵烏丸線烏丸御池站,やよい軒(Yayoi,烏丸御池店)

After visiting Nijō Castle, Rokuonji, Ginkaku-ji and Eikan-dō Zenrin-ji (at night), it's already late when we back to the hotel. So we try to find to eat nearby. Finally we found the Yayoi (a Japanese Teishoku restaurant) which is a 24 hours restaurant. I guess this might be a new chain restaurant in Japan because I see some one-person table in it. The one-person table should be popular in recent years. 

PS. 銀閣寺與永觀堂夜楓的再訪,因為沒什麼特別,故直接提供兩年前初訪的連結。
PS. The links for Ginkaku-ji and Eikan-dō Zenrin-ji are the blogs I went there in 2016 which already have the details.


We ordered the meal via the auto-machine. We had the Beef Sukiyaki and the Tonkatsu for our dinner. It's really good to have the warm foods after the whole day trip. The food is good with the good Japanese rice (all you can eat for the rice) and the meat is cook delicious.

〒 604-8187 京都府京都市中京区笹屋町 御池下る笹屋町436−4 永和御池ビル1F 東洞院通

