2020年2月28日 星期五

[Czech Republic] Český Krumlov,聖維特教堂 (Kostel svatého Víta)

Český Krumlov 以其童話小鎮的建築聞名,在聯合國世界遺產清單網站上的說明,其建築融合了哥特式,文藝復興式與巴洛克式風格,觀光客主要參觀的景點都位於上圖伏爾塔瓦河 C 字型河道內部,也是所謂的舊城區,而河道北方,則是另一景點捷克克魯姆洛夫城堡,俯瞰這個童話小鎮的最佳地點。
When I checked the UNESCO World Heritage List, it says the Historic Centre of Český Krumlov is situated on the banks of the Vltava river, the town was built around a 13th-century castle with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. It is an outstanding example of a small central European medieval town whose architectural heritage has remained intact thanks to its peaceful evolution over more than five centuries.

這張展現 C 字型河道環繞小鎮的照片便是在城堡內,一間露天咖啡店旁的露台拍攝的,可以完整拍下整個小鎮。
This photo shows the U-shape river, the Vltava river, around the whole town was taken at the coffee shop in the castle.  

沿著街道 Horni 往裡走,就會抵達舊城廣場,在四週有許多餐廳,可作為午晚餐的選擇;廣場中央立著黑死病紀念柱,在我們參觀的時點,正好有「六四」三十週年展,從另一個角度看待「六四」,感覺挺特別的。
Walking in the town, you can find the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements if you're an expert. Although I'm not, I still like to walk between these historical buildings. It's amazing to think about people walked on the same road five hundred years ago as I do today. And maybe five centuries later, there is another tourist from Taiwan will also do the same thing.
Along the street Horni, you will reach to the square. The main artistic landmark of the square is the plague column topped with the statue of the Virgin Mary and eight saints, the patron saints of the town and protectors against plague. 
At the time I arrived, it also has a special show for the 30th anniversary of the the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

The tallest building in the town is the Kostel svatého Víta, you can easily see it at every good sightseeing to take the photo of the town. It's OK to visit the church and take photos. It's majestic and beautiful. And also a good place to take a rest to calm yourself down.

在捷克,可以見到很多販售捷克傳統甜點 Trdelník (亦稱作 trdlo 或 trozkol) 的店家,有些只是單純的麵包捲,有些則會如上述的店家,加上冰淇淋等等花樣,以吸引不同口味的愛好者,個人覺得,因為只有在捷克吃得到,至少我在奧地利和德國沒見過,可以嚐一嚐,但不致於特別吸引我。
You can easily find a store sells the traditional dessert Trdelník, sometimes also called trdlo or trozkol. I tried maybe twice, once with ice cream and the other time only with the bread. It's a tasty dessert but I'm not a sugar fan.

最後,在捷克旅行,有個稍微不方便的地方就是要另外再換錢,要在路旁的換匯所換成捷克克朗才行~嗎?經過這次旅行,我會說沒有那麼絕對了,首先,餐廳基本上都收信用卡,我沒有遇到不收的,而信用卡的換匯匯率,是最好的,就是銀行的牌告匯率,側面反應了路邊換匯所的手續費是偏高的,所以,換一些基本開銷即可,如果你可能會去逛一些路邊小店的話;除了換匯所,我個人覺得可能還有一個選擇,我自己沒有實際操作過,只是覺得應該有可行性,就是販賣 Trdelník 的店家,為了做生意,我在好幾家這樣的店家菜單上,看到它同時標上了捷克克朗與歐元的價格,以 1:25 的匯率,對照上圖我拍攝的匯率,1:25.3,可能還比某些要收取手續費的換匯所更便宜。Many people says you need to exchange Euro to Czech Koruna to stay in Czech Republic. Is that true? I may say it depends since time changes a lot of things. The restaurants I visit all take credit cards, and as you knew the exchange rate of the credit cards are really good. Usually is what you see as the bank announced without any handling fee. If you still need to have some Czech Koruna in an exchange office on the street, check the exchange rate first and then the handling fee. If you missed either one of them, the cost may be high.
There is another option could work too. I observe that many Trdelník store highlight two prices on the menu, one is Czech Koruna and the other is Euro. When I was there, the exchange rate is 1:25 at those stores. If they don't ask for the handling fee, it might be cheaper than some exchange office I guess.

