2020年2月16日 星期日

[Taiwan] 台南市,鹽水區,月津港燈節

因為前一天住在台南市區,要來鹽水須先到台南火車站搭乘區間車北上,大約花了 40 分鐘抵達新營火車站,出站到對面的公車總站換搭棕幹線前往鹽水月津港 (橋南老街站),雖然 Google Maps 估計要四五十分鐘,但實際上約花廿來分左右,若從台南火車站起算,70 ~ 80 分鐘的車程可抵達月津港,也就是上圖的「現在位置」。
Last weekend, I went to the Yuejin Lantern Festival 2020 in Tainan. Because I stayed at the downtown of Tainan, I took the train from Tainan station to Xinying station first. Then take the Brown bus to Yanshui Qiaonan Old Street. It may take about 70 to 80 minutes in total.

我們大約是三點半多出發,抵達時快五點,下車地點 (橋南老街) 就看到第一個作品,線代光景,不過白天尚未打光,其實有點普通,上面照片是準備回台南時拍攝的 (接近晚上九點)。
This is Modern Lines at the bus station.

The lanterns are most set at the Yuejin Harbor Water Park, you may follow the people to arrive there through the Qiaonan Old Street. There are lots of street food vendors along the street, it's kind of the night market easily to be found in Taiwan.

沿路會經過永成戲院,裡面仍然在播放電影,不過現在是免費的,旁邊看到了一盞 2015 年時,日本青森縣參展的花燈,挺精緻的,也確定月津港燈節應該是個持續了多年的活動。 
There is a lantern reserved in the Yongcheng Theater which is from Japan for the festival in 2015.

The sunset is beautiful with clouds and reflections.

I arrived in the daytime. To be honest, I think it's not necessary. The signs and directions are clear at night too. 

PSN-lightbox, the lanterns can be charged by the sunlight in the daytime, and then be lit up by the electricity from the battery at night. 

It's interesting to observe the lights like this. The paths of light are so clear. It's a little pity that you can only stay there for 1 minute.

The Reflection of the Flower.

The Glamorous Gold Fish, it represents the goldfish swim in the Yuejin Port.

Sea Turtle, the pronunciation of "turtle" and "came (home)" are the same in Mandarin. This represents the family wishes the fisher (most of them are the dad of a family) can come home safely.

Rouder and Rouder Moon, it shows the people are more attractive by the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival, not the round moon in the sky.

這是第 45 幅作品 - 漫遊時光,透過船隻的意象與月光,再加上橋上的文字 - 月津風華,讓人遙想當年「一府二鹿三艋舺四月津」的風光。
Ramble in Time, the Yuejin Port used to be a prosperous port for trade and transportation. A chain of boats might lead people to travel back to the old time.

