2020年2月15日 星期六

[Czech Republic] Český Krumlov,Vila Krumlov

離開德國,回到 Sarzburg 火車站,我們已經預定了往返於 Sarzburg 與 Český Krumlov (常見的中譯名為庫倫洛夫,或者稱其為CK小鎮) 的七人座小巴,這在捷克算是很常見,很划算的一種交通方式,最好的地方是,司機還會直接送我們到民宿門口,為什麼這一點很重要?當你住在 Český Krumlov 的舊城區時,其舊城區都是石板路,如果還拉著行李箱,其實移動起來是很不方便的,運氣不好的話,行李箱的小輪子可能就會在這兒損壞了~
Leaving Germany, back to Sarzburg and take the CK Shuttle to our next stop, Český Krumlov in Czech Republic. It's cheap and very convenient. The driver will send us to the front of the hostel. When you plan to stay at the old town, this helps a lot. You don't need to drag your luggage to walk on the road which may easily damage the luggage (you may check below photo to have an idea how bad is the road to a luggage) 

為了體會這座童話小鎮,我們挑選的民宿就位在舊城區,且剛好就在舊城區的入口,Vila Krumlov,其有自己的官網,當時並未透過其他中介網站,直接在其官網下訂,有點有趣的是,其一樓入口,是一間紀念品店,收銀台,同時也是民宿的櫃台,僅管如此,互相之間卻不會干擾,我想是因為白天我們都不在,下午大約六點左右就關門了,那時候,我們還在市區餐廳用餐呢!
To save our time to visit this town, we stay at Vila Krumlov which is located at the middle of the old town. It's really convenient to go anywhere. The first floor of the hostel is a souvenir shop, and we stayed at the second floor. It's interesting and not bother us because we're out in the day time and back  late. The store probably closed at 6 when we're eating our dinner out there.

我們住在 12 號房,正好是面向馬路這一側,有三扇窗戶,採光很好,只是白天基本上不在,沒有特別在房內享受明媚的陽光。
The room we stayed is Room 12. It has three windows which makes the room is really bright.

The toilet and bathroom are big and clean.

There is no wall between the kitchen and the bedroom, the room looks so big because of that. You can find kitchenware in the kitchen if you want to cook or eat things in the room. And the bed is really comfortable.

Behind the condo, there is a small yard. If you prepare the breakfast, you may eat it relaxed here.

這間民宿的地點,還有一個很棒的地方,旁邊就是一個可以俯看伏爾塔瓦河 (Vltava) 的公園,可以在最棒的時機來此賞景,拍照!
Next to the hotel is one of the best place to see the landscape of the town and the Vltava. If you stay so closed just like me, it's easy to find a good time without a tourist to bother you to take pictures.

