2015年2月28日 星期六

[US] Nevada,Las Vegas,Encore Resort at Wynn

在拉斯維加斯這兒待了幾天,住的第二間五星級飯店是Wynn的姊妹飯店─Encore Resort,當初在網路上尋找相關訊息時,有人介紹Wynn比較古典,Encore則比較現代化,畢竟前兩晚就住在典雅代表的Bellagio,於是後兩晚就選擇了現代化的Encore;入住時也嘗試要使用「三明治手法」尋求免費昇級,沒想到接待員說Encore不流行這一套,只好默默把廿美元再收回來,沒想到,接待員給的房間還是相當不錯,高樓層,還有漂亮的山景,讓我覺得,即使不使用三明治手法要求升級,還是跟接持員提一句,能不能選個有景觀的房間,也許就能住得更舒服了!
I chose the Encore Resort as the second 5-star hotel to stay. When I was searching on Internet, a blogger says the style of Wynn is classical and Encore is modern. Since I had stayed in Bellagio which is already very classical, I would like to stay in a modern hotel for another two nights. 
While check-in, I also tried the "$20 sandwich trick" to get free upgrade, but the front desk rejected to take the tips and told me that Encore doesn't play it. Even though, I still think I get a very good room. It's at high level and with a very good view of the mountains. 

There are three areas in the room. The first one is the bathroom, the second is the bedroom and the last is living room. It's very convenient to have two independent washbasins for two people to wash their faces and rinse their mouths in the morning.

(隨附的盥洗用品,the toiletries)

(同時提供浴缸與獨立的淋浴間,the bathtub & shower compartment)


(舒服的大床,king size bed)

(用來區隔臥房與客廳的電視,the TV)

The best part of this room is the L-type sofa. To lie down on a L-type sofa and enjoy the landscape is one of the best thing I would like to spend time. 

(還有一小塊的書房空間,the study)

(從客聽回看臥房的視角,the view from living to bedroom)

To lie down on the sofa and enjoy the view at day time should be the thing you need to do in Las Vegas. It's so beautiful.

PS. Encore Resort每晚的resort fee是25鎂;而提供的無線網路,則只允許兩台無線設備上網。
PS. The resort fee of Encore Resort is USD 25 per night and it only service two wireless clients to connect to the Internet for free.

Encore Resort 地址:
3121 South Las Vegas Boulevard, 
Las Vegas, NV 89109

2015年2月27日 星期五

《當企業購併國家 (The Silent Takeover) 》,諾瑞娜‧赫茲(Noreena Hertz)著




讓人失望的一點,是作者在最後提出的解決方案,建立世界社會組織(World Social Organization),對我來說,就像是另一個聯合國,看不出來會有所不同,能帶來不一樣的改變嗎?或許是期望太高,問題太難,真的有什麼可行的解決之道嗎?

2015年2月23日 星期一

[Taiwan] 台北,Tokyo Curry (統一阪急B2)

今天在走了這麼多路之後,又多走了一段,到了阪急地下街覓食,正好是晚間七點左右,這兒正是人潮眾多的時候,每間餐廳都要排隊,挑了間不用排那麼久的,Tokyo Curry來試試!



Tokyo Curry 地址:
110 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段8號B2樓

2015年2月22日 星期日

[Taiwan] 台北,幾米月亮公車 (The Bus Stop of Jimmy)

As I remember, the Bus Stop of Jimmy is near the Entrance of Elephant Mountain, so we walk slowly to go there.

On the way, I find a chance to take a photo of Taipei under the blue sky.

After 15 minutes walk, we have arrived this new, small and interesting spot, the Bus Stop of Jimmy.

This spot is coming from a picture book of Jimmy who is very famous in Taiwan. The topics are Forget and Remember. With the yellow light, I can tell that he uses a warm way to tell the story.

The driver with smile.

The smile is the sign every where.

While you look up, you can see the warm moon through the window.


2015年2月21日 星期六

[Taiwan] 台北,象山 (Xiangshan, Elephant Mountain)

We are lucky to have good weather during the Lunar New Year. My family would like to go to the Elephant Mountain to see the night view of Taipei 101.

There are many people looks like going to hiking on the Metro, just like us. It's easy to follow the signs to go Xiangshan Hiking Trail, the Elephant Mountain.

(Go right, which says it only takes 20 minutes to arrive the Entrance.)

It's easy, just follow the signs and ... people. There are so many people also go to the same destination.

There is a line at the entrance to start climbing the stairs. The sign says you can burn 300K for one turn which is really a lot for around 30 minutes walking.


The map of Sishou Hills. In Mandarin, it means the Mountains of Four Animals, include Elephant, Tiger, Leopard and Lion. Today, I'm just go to the Elephant.

Around 15 minutes, there is a view point for taking a rest and taking photos. I guess this might be new since it wasn't there couple years ago. It's good but I think the view at the top is better, so I just take few photos here.

Go up for another 5 minutes will arrive the top. The total time for this trail may only cost 20 to 40 minutes. Since you're climbing stairs all the way, you will easily feel tired. Just take your turn, don't be rush. You may feel much better and easier for it.

It's interesting to look around. Some people just take photos, some sit there and watch the view and some are chatting to friends. Different purposes make different behaviors. Just enjoy the time.

When I go down, I take a photo that Taipei 101 is shown between two buildings.

(Double 101!)

The last photo is my favorite, it looks like there are two Taipei 101 with the same red flower and green stem.

2015年2月15日 星期日

[US] Nevada,Las Vegas,Sushi Mon

在網路上看到某位部落客評價,Sushi Mon是拉斯維加斯最棒的日式料理吃到飽,美國不像台灣那麼容易找到道地的日本食物,畢竟離日本太遠,相對不是那麼容易找到日本廚師,或是去日本受過訓練的廚師,所以在看到那篇文章時,直接就把這間店列為必去的餐廳;沒想到這間餐廳離拉斯維加斯市區還有段距離,這是我第一次離開拉斯維加斯市區~
I found this restaurant by a blogger who says this is the best all-you-can-eat for Japanese food in Las Vegas. It's not as easy as Taiwan to find good Japanese restaurant in United States. Since US is really far from Japan, it's hard to find a Japanese chef or a chef who had been to Japan to learn how to cook Japanese food. Since I love Japanese food, I noted this restaurant on my must-go list while I read the blog.

When I found it serves the green tea, I realize this should be a local Japanese restaurant.

The Sushi Mon not only provide the buffet, you can still just order the dishes you want and pay for it. For me, I'm here to eat lots of sushi, not just taste. So I chose all you can eat, USD 26.95 for each person. But I forgot one thing, I'm not in Taiwan now, there is only English menu. I can't recognize all the dishes on the menu, some of them I can just try and error, ha~

炸蝦(Shrimp Tempura),雖然蝦子沒有很大條,適當厚度的麵衣,提供脆脆的口感,再加上甜嫰的蝦子,好吃!
生菜沙拉(Green Salad)與海藻沙拉(Seaweed Salad),我比較喜歡海藻沙拉,一方面有生魚塊,洋蔥加上海藻也很好吃。
Shrimp Tempura, the shrimp is sweat and the crisp and deep-fried batter coating taste good. Not like some Japanese restaurant in Taiwan, the chef want the shrimp looks very big with very thick coating which might destroy the taste.
Between the Green Salad and Seaweed Salad, I prefer the Seaweed Salad which has raw fish pieces, onion and seaweed which is really good.

As I remember, the Sweat Shrimp (Amaebi) and Sea Urchin (Uni) are the only two sushi each person can ONLY order once which I strongly recommend everyone should try if you like it. They both are really sweat and fresh, taste delicious. Another sushi which taste very good is Fresh Scallop (Hotate), sweat.

上圖的鮭魚是鮭魚刺身Salmon (Sake),下圖的則是大蒜鮭魚握壽司Garlic Salmon (橘色魚肉)。
上圖的鮪魚(金槍魚)是大蒜鮪魚握壽司Garlic Tuna,下圖的則是炙鮪魚握壽司Seared Tuna (紅色魚肉)。
The orange fish is Salmon, the upper one is Sake, the button one is Garlic Salmon.
The red fish is Tuna, the upper one is Garlic Tuna, the button one is Seared Tuna.
The only clam sushi here is Surf Clam (Hokki).

When we finish the first run, the chef told us there are some Today Special on the board, we can think about. There is nothing to consider, just order all of them. So delicious.

鰺魚(Aji) - 左上角帶魚皮的握壽司。
藍鰭金槍(鮪)魚(Bluefin Tuna) - 左下方艷紅色的握壽司。
黃帶鰺(striped jack) &  鰤魚(Amberjack) - 這兩種魚很類似,不記得怎麼分辨了。
Aji is the sushi on the left top.
Bluefin Tuna is the left button one, with the red flesh.
The other two are Striped jack and Amberjack, but I don't remember which is which.

烏魚子軍艦捲(Black Tobiko) & 明太子軍艦捲(Mentai, spicy cod roe)

Couple years ago, I've tried Vegetable Tempura in Japan and I love it. It can keep the sweat and water inside the vegetable itself which taste very delicious. It's a little pity that it's hard to find a cheap Japanese restaurant in Taiwan to have such a good Vegetable Tempura. The Vegetable Tempura today, is as good as the one I tried in Japan.

I don't remember what the last two fishes are. Maybe because I already have too much, really satisfied about tonight's dinner, wonderful! I agree why this is the No. 1 Japanese Buffet in Las Vegas. For me, this is better than eat buffet on the Strip, because I love fish more than meat.

Finally, the Mango Mochi is my favorite dessert.

Sushi Mon 地址:
9770 South Maryland Parkway #3
Las Vegas, NV 89183