在拉斯維加斯這兒待了幾天,住的第二間五星級飯店是Wynn的姊妹飯店─Encore Resort,當初在網路上尋找相關訊息時,有人介紹Wynn比較古典,Encore則比較現代化,畢竟前兩晚就住在典雅代表的Bellagio,於是後兩晚就選擇了現代化的Encore;入住時也嘗試要使用「三明治手法」尋求免費昇級,沒想到接待員說Encore不流行這一套,只好默默把廿美元再收回來,沒想到,接待員給的房間還是相當不錯,高樓層,還有漂亮的山景,讓我覺得,即使不使用三明治手法要求升級,還是跟接持員提一句,能不能選個有景觀的房間,也許就能住得更舒服了!
I chose the Encore Resort as the second 5-star hotel to stay. When I was searching on Internet, a blogger says the style of Wynn is classical and Encore is modern. Since I had stayed in Bellagio which is already very classical, I would like to stay in a modern hotel for another two nights.
While check-in, I also tried the "$20 sandwich trick" to get free upgrade, but the front desk rejected to take the tips and told me that Encore doesn't play it. Even though, I still think I get a very good room. It's at high level and with a very good view of the mountains.
There are three areas in the room. The first one is the bathroom, the second is the bedroom and the last is living room. It's very convenient to have two independent washbasins for two people to wash their faces and rinse their mouths in the morning.
(隨附的盥洗用品,the toiletries)
(同時提供浴缸與獨立的淋浴間,the bathtub & shower compartment)
(舒服的大床,king size bed)
(用來區隔臥房與客廳的電視,the TV)
The best part of this room is the L-type sofa. To lie down on a L-type sofa and enjoy the landscape is one of the best thing I would like to spend time.
(還有一小塊的書房空間,the study)
(從客聽回看臥房的視角,the view from living to bedroom)
To lie down on the sofa and enjoy the view at day time should be the thing you need to do in Las Vegas. It's so beautiful.
PS. Encore Resort每晚的resort fee是25鎂;而提供的無線網路,則只允許兩台無線設備上網。
PS. The resort fee of Encore Resort is USD 25 per night and it only service two wireless clients to connect to the Internet for free.
Encore Resort 地址:
3121 South Las Vegas Boulevard,
Las Vegas, NV 89109