2018年4月7日 星期六

[Japan] 神奈川,箱根,九頭龍神社 (Kuzuryū Shrine Hongū)

PS. 其實還可以搭船到箱根町港,然後再走過去,只是那已經是明天的行程之一了,就有點不想走重覆的路線。
On the second day in Hakone, we stayed at Lake Ashi. After lunch, we tried to take the bus to Hakone Shrine. As I remembered, the bus can only take us to a bus stop nearby, then we may need to take 10 minutes walk (at least) to the Shrine. BUT, every bus driver told us, "Sorry, this bus doesn't go to Hakone Shrine." It wastes us almost one hour to wait for the bus. The bus system in Japan gave me a BIG MINUS again...At last, we decided to walk to Hakone Shrine. The Kuzuryū Shrine Hongū is what we found on the way to Hakone Shrine.
PS. There is another way to go to the Hakone Shrine. You may take the cruise to Hakonemachi-ko then walk there. This is already on my schedule tomorrow, so I would like to take another way there today.

The chōzuya or temizuya with dragon statue.

The Kuzuryū Shrine Hongū is a really peaceful place. Maybe it's not so famous, no much people here. You can take your time to visit every place and every small spots.

Here is a small harbor which really can take people on a boat. There are two people took the boat here to some other place.

Not only the Hakone Shrine has a torii in the water, here also has one.

Here also seems to be a villa before, but those areas are closed right now. Even though, it's still a good place to look around.

