2018年4月4日 星期三

[Japan] 神奈川,箱根,大涌谷 (Ōwakudani)

PS. 有部落客提過,也可以把大行李箱存放在東京的旅館,但因本次旅行都住在透過Air B&B訂到的民宿,故未曾詢問。
On the next day morning, we're a little bit worried because we need to bring our luggage to take the gondola to Ōwakudani. If you have the same worry, you don't need to. The gondola is big to carry 10 to 15 people, so there is enough space for the luggage.
PS. Someone says you may stay the luggage at the hotels in Tokyo, some of them provide the service to save your luggage for few days until you come back. Since my accommodations this time are reversed via Air B&B, I don't expect them to have the service. 

The Ōwakudani is like the Xiaoyoukeng at Yangmingshan National Park. The most important thing to come here is to see the landscape of Mt. Fuji. As you can see, the weather was not good while we arrived, So we just take a look of the landscape of Ōwakudani.

The 2nd thing to do here is to extend your life. You can extend 7 years of your life by eating one Kuro-tamago (Black Egg).

Be aware of that since the Ōwakudani is a volcanic valley with active sulphur vents. Sometimes it may be closed. Remember to check the website then arrange your schedule.

