2019年2月23日 星期六

[Japan] 京都,伏見區,2018年再訪伏見稻荷大社 (Fushimi Inari-taisha)

After having launch at the Nezameya, we visited the Fushimi Inari-taisha.

I guess this is the busiest chōzuya (or temizuya) I've visited. There are so many people here.

These two photos are took at Higashimaru Shrine.

The sky is clean. It's a good day for having a hiking. Walk through the torii, you're walking on the Inariyama (holy mountain of Inariyama).

 (不知為何,路邊立了一個捐獻表,有著各式大小的鳥居與捐獻金額的對照表,這些立在山道兩旁的大鳥居,應該是10號吧,嗯,捐獻130萬日幣就可以「成就 GET」!)
(How much money you donate, how big the torii may be. The biggest one (No. 10) may need you to donate ¥ 1,302,000.)

There are two areas, the Senbon Torii and the Inariyama. You may walk through the Senbon Torii in 30 minutes. If you want to go through the whole Inariyama, please reserve at least two hours here. It's really big. 

One more thing, don't forget to bring water. If you forgot, buy it as early as you can. The water is sold for ¥ 150 at the bottom of the hill. When you go up, the price also rises. The most expensive price is ¥ 250 (if I remember correctly).

PS. 這次整個逛下來,我找到了三對獅子,其他都是狐狸。
PS. There are total 3 pairs of lions I found in the whole route. 

Last time I came here for your information.

〒 612-0882 京都市伏見区深草薮之内町68番地

