2019年2月5日 星期二

[Japan] 京都,上京區,2018年再訪京都御苑 (Kyoto Gyoen National Garden)

隔天,我們來到夢館御池分店租借和服,來到這古色古香的京都,不找一天,穿個和服,融入這個氛圍,似乎有點說不過去,之所以會選擇夢館的御池分店,有兩個主要的原因,一是離我們居住的地點(Hotel Rejoice Stay 京都烏丸御池)很近,不到500公尺,二是在抵達的兩週前還能預約得到,可能因為附近不是京都的主要景點,或者這兒是新分店,預約的人潮比較少;總之,價格與大部分的和服出租店相差不多,方便就成了選擇這裡最主要的原因。
The next day, we went to the Yumeyakata Oike Bettei to rent a kimono. There are two reasons for us to come here. The first one is the location. It's just about 400 meter away from the hotel we stayed. We can walk here in the early morning to select the kimono we like. The second reason is that this branch is new, not so many people know. We can still make a reservation just two weeks before we came to Kyoto.

早上換好和服,可以像我們一樣,一路散步到京都御苑(一公里內),或者到附近的地鐵站 / 公車站前往京都的其他景點;我們因為兩年前的經驗,覺得可以到京都御苑拍攝和服+楓葉或銀杏,因此就這樣漫步在京都街頭。
抵達京都御苑後,參觀的第一個小景點是《嚴島神社》, 沒想到在這兒遇到一位可愛的日本大叔,他很主動地用英語和我們攀談,介紹他自己(跟台灣的關係),感謝台灣在地震時對日本的支援等等,真的很溫馨,離開前,還送了我們幾顆小橘子,祝我們在京都玩得愉快~
At the Itsukushima Shrine in the Kyoto Gyoen National Garden, we met this cute Ojisan. He speaks English to us actively, introduce himself, thanks for the support from Taiwan for the earthquakes and give us several oranges as a gift to have a good time in Kyoto. He is a really nice man.

Compares two years ago, I may say the maples and ginkgos are not as beautiful as before. We went around the whole place but only found few spots. 

This time, we had a chance to visit the Kyoto Imperial Palace. To be honest, it's not attrative to me since I didn't find maples in the palace. But we wore kimono, it's a good place have a seat to take a rest in the big Kyoto Gyoen National Garden.

Here is still the best corner for me in Kyoto Gyoen National Garden.

The best picture I took here is below, my girl friend took a rest with the sunshine in the afternoon.

The first time I came here is two years ago.

〒 602-0881 京都府京都市上京区京都御苑3

