2017年5月14日 星期日

[HongKong] 2017春,香港五天四夜之旅 (2017 Spring, Five Days in Hong Kong)

(The night view of Victoria Harbour)

(The night view of the Peak)

(The night view of the Garden Hill)

Every time when I have a chance to go to visit a place, I like to stay more days to explore more things and experience. This time, I spend 5 days to visit Hong Kong. Below is my schedule.

Day 1DestinationActivity
2 hrs香港赤臘角機場
Hong Kong International Airport
1 hr晉逸精品酒店 (尖沙咀)
Butterfly on prat
2 hrs九龍公園
Kowloon Park
1 hr池記雲吞麵
Chee Kei
晚餐 - 雲吞麵
1.5 hrs維多莉亞港
Victoria Harbour
A Symphony of Lights
2.5 hrs廟街 & 興記煲仔飯
Temple Street & Hing Kee
逛街 & 晚餐II
Shopping & Dinner II
30 mins walk晉逸精品酒店 (尖沙咀)
Butterfly on prat
Take rest
Day 2
2 hrs大會堂美心皇宮
City Hall Maxim's Palace
午餐 - 飲茶
Lunch - dim sum
3 hrs中環
Central District
4 hrs山頂纜車
Peak Tram
Night view of Victoria Harbour
1.5 hrs廣東燒味餐廳晚餐 - 燒臘
5 mins walk晉逸精品酒店 (尖沙咀)
Butterfly on prat
Take rest
Day 3
1.5 hrs一樂燒鵝
Yat Lok Restaurant
Lunch - 燒臘 (米其林一星)
Michelin guide recommendations
5 hrs深水涉 (Sham Shui Po)
老鳳冰室 (Lo Fung Restaurant)
嘉頓山 (Garden Hill)
維記咖啡粉麵 (Wai Kee Noodle Cafe)
公和荳品廠 (Kung Wo Dou Bun Chong)
逛街 Shopping
點心 Dessert
夜景 Night view
晚餐 Dinner
點心 Dessert
20 mins by
Metro + walk
晉逸精品酒店 (尖沙咀)
Butterfly on prat
Take rest
Day 4
1 hr洪利粥店茶餐廳
Hung Lee
早餐 - 粥
2 hrsThe Boathouse午餐
2 hrs赤柱
2 hrs蘭芳園
Lan Fong Yuen
晚餐 - 豬扒包
15 mins華記小食
Wah Kee Snacks
15 mins walk晉逸精品酒店 (尖沙咀)
Butterfly on prat
Take rest
Day 5
1 hr澳洲牛奶公司
Australia Dairy Company
早餐 - 冰燉奶
3 hrs東薈城Outlet (Citygate Outlet)
滿樂潮州 (Moon Lok Chiu Chow)
逛街 Shopping
午餐 Lunch
2 hrs台灣桃園國際機場
Taoyuan International Airport

1. 當我從機場搭A21前往晉逸精品酒店 (尖沙咀)時,車上是可以透過WiFi連網的,只是,我不確定多久要重新登入一次,後來斷網後,我就沒有再重連了,因為到飯店就有網路了。
2. 即使忘了申請香港簽證,也不用太擔心,可以到了香港機場,在進海關前,找機場人員現場協助辦理港簽;我當時因為台胞證有效期只到離港後一天,被海關拒絕用台胞證入境,就現在找人協助辦港簽,印出來之後就可以通過海關入境了。
3. 在機場出關之後,建議先辦好這兩件事再去搭車前往九龍或是香港:
    3.1 買八達通卡,就如台北的悠遊卡,所有的交通工具都可以用八達通卡支付。
    3.2 買山頂纜車的套票,可以省一點錢,省一點時間,細節在此
4. 在我這次的行程中,我不建議去的地點是「赤柱」和「東薈城Outlet」。
5. 被我列為下次來港必吃的美食是:
    5.1 興記煲仔飯
    5.2 公和荳品廠
    5.3 蘭芳園
6. 香港的物價真的很高,我建議的三餐預算如下:
    6.1 早餐 - 每人50港幣
    6.2 午餐 - 每人100港幣
    6.3 晚餐 - 每人100港幣
    6.4 飲茶 - 每人300港幣
7. 如果不得已要換匯,建議可到尖沙咀的重慶大樓換匯,這裡有非常多的換匯店面,出發前在台灣的匯率是1台幣換0.249港幣;我有在此看到1台幣換0.24港幣的,相差不多,但是,在馬路邊,我也看過1台幣換0.19港幣,甚至0.17港幣的,一換就虧兩成。
8. 南丫島是我原來預計要去,但最後沒去成的景點。
9. 香港的外勞也非常多,一到週末,就會聚集在中環的一些景點,類似台北市一樣,經詢問朋友,原來香港的外勞政策挺寬鬆的,一個人或家庭,只要月收入超過一萬港幣,若有一個小孩,就可以請一個外勞協助照顧,而一個外勞的薪資是每月兩千港幣,若有兩個孩子,就請兩個外勞,我覺得,這才是正確的催生政策。

There are some reminding:
1. When I take the bus A21 from Airport to Bufferfly on prat, it has WiFi on the bus. I'm not sure how many minutes you may need to re-login again because I didn't re-login.
2. If you didn't apply VISA in advanced, you can still apply it at Hong Kong Airport before going to the custom.
3. There are two things you should do before leaving the airport:
    3.1 Buy the Optopus to pay all the transportation expenses in Hong Kong.
    3.2 Buy the Peak Tram plus Sky Terrace at the China Travel Service desk at airport. It could save some time and money. Details please reference to here.
4. Based on my own experience, I don't recommend to go to the Stanley and Citygate Outlet.
5. What my personal must do for next time is:
    5.1 Hing Kee
    5.2 Kung Wo Dou Bun Chong
    5.3 Lan Fong Yuen
6. The price for food is really expensive in Hong Kong. I may say:
    6.1 Breakfast - HKD 50 per person.
    6.2 Lunch - HKD 100 per person.
    6.3 Dinner - HKD 100 per person.
    6.4 Dim Sum - HKD 300 per person.
7. If you want to exchange your local currency to HKD, I'll recommend you to find a foreign exchange offices in Chungking Mansions. For example, when I change TWD to HKD in Taiwan, the currency is 1 TWD to 0.249 HKD. In Chungking Mansions, I also find a foreign exchange office which provides 1 TWD to 0.24 HKD which is very close to the currency in Taiwan. I also notice there is an exchange office on the street which only gives you 1 TWD to 0.19 or 0.17 HKD. You will get 20% loss if you change there.
8. Lamma Island is where I planned, but I didn't go this time.
9. The migrant workers are a lot in Hong Kong. Below information is from my friend. When you can earn HKD 10,000 one month, you can hire 1 migrant worker (one month may around HKD 2,000) if you have a child to help you to take care of your son or daughter. If you have two kids, you can hire two. From my point of view, this is a good policy to encourage people to have more children.

2 則留言:

  1. 第四天的午餐是吃什麼啊?

    1. 第四天的午餐是Boathouse,吃漢堡。
