2017年5月29日 星期一

[Japan] 京都,龜岡 (Kameoka) & 桑田神社 (Kuwata Shrine)

依網路上比較多人的建議,要搭嵯峨野小火車時,先搭乘JR山陰本線到「馬堀」(うまほり),再走路到「龜岡站」(トロッコ ),接著搭小火車上嵐山,之後即可在嵐山遊覽一天,我當天早上七點左右出門,到了馬堀,很多人要去搭小火車,基本上跟著人潮走即可,或者也有上面照片的指標,基本上不會迷路。
According to my homework, when you want to take the Sagano Romantic Train to Arashiyama from Kyoto, I should take the JR Sanin Main Line to Umahori and then walk to Kameoka to transfer to the Sagano Romantic Train. I left the AirB&B around 7 o'clcok and arrived Umahori around 8 in the morning. There are a lot people want to take the Sagano Train. Don't need to worry, just follow them and you'll find the Kameoka station.

Although I think it's early, there are already so many people. I can only buy the ticket for the train at 11:35 for standing, no seat.

Since I had time, and I didn't eat my breakfast, I bought a cup of matsutake. It costs ¥ 500.

由於臨時要在龜岡待快兩個小時,就用Google Maps看看是不是有什麼景點,看到一間神社─桑田神社,聯想到幽遊白書中的桑原(當時我以為是桑田),,所以決定去走走,沒想到,這是一間種滿了楓樹的神社,由於沒有名氣,可以在這裡靜靜地賞楓,好舒服~
After the breakfast, I have energy to go around Kameoka. I used Google Maps to find spots, and I found the Kuwata Shrine. The name of the shrine makes me think about a character in Yu Yu Hakusho, 
Kazuma Kuwabara, so I decided to go. The Kuwata Shrine surprised me that there are so many red maples, it's fantastic. The best part of it is only few visitors went there. I can enjoy the stunning views with my own, peacefully.

Just went back to the Kameoka station around 11 o'clock. I found there are many interesting dolls of civet cat. 

Kitajo Shinochoyamamoto, Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture 621-0825

