2016年12月24日 星期六

[Japan] 京都,東山區,葫蘆親子丼 (ひさご Hisago)

Hisago is very famous for the Oyakodon. Most of the Taiwanese bloggers will recommend to have the Oyakodon here after visiting Kiyomizu-dera. Actually, it's next to the Kōdai-ji.

People are waiting on the bench next to the restaurant. The time is around 3:30 PM and there are 15 to 20 people there. A good thing is that people can finish the Oyakodon in a short period of time. Even there are 20 people, you may not need to wait for a long time. For me, I was waiting for 30 minutes.

No doubt, just order the Oyakodon, ¥ 1,010, An interesting thing is that it also provides Mandarin menu, but the name of the dishes are very strange. I don't know if it's translated by a translation software and without proofreading.

Tea, side dishes and the Oyakodon. Almost 6 years ago, I had a chance to have Oyakodon in Tokyo, and it's so delicious, so different than the ones I had in Taiwan. I made a decision at that moment, I will never try Oyakodon in Taiwan anymore. This is the first time I eat Oyakodon after then. The egg is so soft and sweet and also for the chicken. To eat the rice with the liquid egg, it's so good~

〒605-0825 京都府京都市東山区下河原通八坂鳥居前下ル下河原町484

