2017年9月16日 星期六

[Japan] 京都,下京區,牛排專賣店─京都勝牛 京都駅前 (Kyoto Katsugyu)

After visited Higashi Honganji, it's about 15 minutes pass 11 o'clock, it's time for lunch. It's kind of early, so I walk to Kyoto Katsugyu for my lunch. I heard that there may be a long line after 12 o'clock.

The menu, it's famous of the fried steak. I ordered the steak of Kuroge wagyu.

It seems that it is also famous of the bear. Since it's just noon, I didn't get a bottle of bear. It's a little bit pity.

The steak set of Kuroge wagyu.

The liquid egg is kind of Japanese style and I love it. So I mixed it with the rice to enjoy the flavor.

The fried steak. There are 6 ways to eat the steak with different sauces explained by the board. I tried every way and all of them are good, because the steak is good. The chef just cooked it for 60 seconds which means it's kind of raw inside. It's really soft with the sweat flavor of beef. The fried steak is a new fashion in Japan, if you have a chance to come to Kyoto, it's worth for you to spend an hour to try it here.

牛排專賣店─京都勝牛 京都駅前地址:

