2017年10月10日 星期二

[Taiwan] 台北,捷運西湖站,連進酸菜白肉鍋-內湖店 (China Northeast Pot)

Near Mid-Autumn Festival (also called Moon Festival), it's really hard to find a BBQ restaurant for dinner. Every restaurant I called told me that it's full, if I can wait to 9:00 PM, then I can have a seat there. So, I found another type of restaurant for the dinner, the China Northeast Pot.

The chef of this restaurant worked at the very famous Taipower restaurant before, but he makes some changes and open this one. Tonight, we just try the all-you-can-eat, NTD 450 for each person for the dishes on the left hand side on the menu. On the right hand side, are those for specific order.

Since here only serves the China Northeast Pot, it's ready on every table. There is one plate of sour cabbage for adjust how sour the soup may be. And one plate of green bean noodle which you can eat before the food is ready.

There are many different kinds of sauces. Because I found the chef special, I just take some of it.

Above are the popular side dishes people may cook for the hot pot. It's fresh and good taste.

The best one is this, the pork belly. You only need to shabu shabu it for 10 to 15 seconds, it's so good. With the chewy skin, it's fantastic. We also ordered one plate of blade shoulder, it's good. But without the fat, not as delicious as the belly.

The dessert, just a little bit sweet. 

PS. 這兒的蔥油餅也很好吃,搭配冬粉更是別有一番風味,可惜光顧著吃,沒來得及拍照,不知何時才會有機會補上照片,呵~
PS. It also serves delicious scallion pie (or called scallion pancake), but we forgot to take photos, ha~

114 台北市內湖區洲子街108號

