2017年12月24日 星期日

[Japan] 大阪,中央區,心齋橋 & 道頓堀 (Shinsaibashi & Dōtonbori)


The Shinsaibashi and Dōtonbori mainly are two streets which cross as above. The small area at bottom right is the Kuromon Market. All these three shopping places are nearby. Since I stayed in a AirB&B just next to Kuromon Market, I walk to Shinsaibashi and Dōtonbori within 15 minutes. I'm not sure which Metro station you may need to take to come here. I only took the Metro to Nippombashi Station to Kuromon Market.

The Shinsaibashi is where the shopping stores located, for the cloths, medicines and cosmetics. It's full of people all day long.

If you want to take a rest, you may go west to the Midōsuji, it has beautiful ginkgos when you come here at the late autumn.

服飾部分大家各有偏好,開架式的美妝品亦同,這兒就只分享一個藥品與維他命類的資訊,由於家人託買武田藥品的合利他命強效錠(Alinamin EX PLUS,270錠),我把心齋橋附近的藥店,藥妝店的價格比了個遍(甚至京都奈良也都注意過),一般的價位大概是4,900円到5,500円之間,心齋橋認真找一下,4,800円的店也算不難找,但只有一家店是最低的,位在心齋橋筋口招牌旁,三樓的大國藥妝店,以4,700円販售,或許因為它位在三樓,房租比較低的關係;這也同時可看出另一個有趣的點,在這一帶,大國藥妝店記得至少有個四五家,但價格居然沒有統一,而是由各家自行決定,互相搶客人,我猜,或許是它其他的品項有比較貴的吧!不過,我就沒有精力再做更多的比較了。
I have one more information would like to share with you. In general, here is the place where you can buy the cheap medicines or cosmetics in Kyoto or Osaka. But there are so many pharmacies or drug stores, which one is the cheapest? If I use Alinamin EX PLUS as an example, which has higher price compares to others, the Daikoku Drug at 3rd floor which just next to the Shin Sai Bashi-suji sign is the cheapest. In my trip, I found the price is from ¥ 4,800 to 5,500, this store is the only one who sells it as ¥ 4,700. Maybe because it's at the 3rd floor, so the rent is cheaper than others.

The Dōtonbori is from west to east and besides the canal.

You can also take the cruise on the canal to see the famous big signs along the Dōtonbori. There are a lot, I guess the most famous one is the second photo below, the Glico Man.

(The Kushikatu Daruma at Dōtonbori)

Totally I spent two days and two nights nearby, below are the restaurants I had tried here:
黑門市場 (Kuromon Market)
新世界元祖串炸 - 心齋橋店 (Kushikatu Daruma)
Luke's Lobster - 心齋橋店
大起水產 - 道頓堀店 (Daiki-Suisan)
一蘭拉麵 - 道頓堀店 (Ichiran)

