In December, 2017, it's my 3rd time to arrive New Zealand. This time, I came with my colleagues to ride bicycle in the South Island of New Zealand. And this is my first time to ride bicycle oversea, because I love New Zealand so much.
第一天:從基督城往北,自 Waipara 騎到 Hanmer Springs,大家剛開始習慣新車跟紐西蘭的公路,到得太晚,沒機會去泡溫泉。這天算是欣賞田園風光。
第二天:直接搭車通過山區,從西海岸的 Charleston 開始騎車,到 Greymouth,又是個很晚開騎的一天。這天則是欣賞海岸線,好幾位同事認為很像台灣的東海岸線。
第三天:從住宿地 Greymouth 往南開到 Harihari 出發,騎到冰河村 Fox Glacier,這天早上下大雨,冷得不得了,果然是騎在溫帶雨林區,下午騎到Franz Josef 時,就跑去熱水池泡湯了,哈~這天就是雨林了,全身淋得溼透。
第四天:從住宿地 Fox Glacier 往南開到 Davis Flat 開騎,一路爬山爬到 Wanaka。這天賞湖景+山景。
第五天:終於是從住宿的 Wanaka 旅館直接騎到 Queenstown 旅館了。這天就很像是在台灣練車,爬,下滑髮夾彎。
The is the map for this ride. The blue route is the total distance for this trip, but we only ride bicycles between the purple points.
Day 1 is from Waipara to Hanmer Springs, the two purple points on the right (from south to north).
Day 2 is from Charleston (a little bit south of Westport) to Greymouth. On this day, we drive to Westport first which already spent around two and half hours.
Day 3 is from Harihari to Fox Glacier.
Day 4 is from Haast to Wanaka. Actually is from Davis Flat but I can find the place on Google Maps.
Day 5 is from Wanaka to Queenstown.
You can easy to tell that we skip nearly half of the route and we already spend 5 days. If we want to ride every place, at least need 10 days.
On the way, we found there is at least one rider is doing so, with all of the stuff on his bike.
Compare to us, we're kind of easy ride, ha. We have the guide in front of us and have a van to carry all the belongs. We only need to take some water and foods for supply.
The driver also help to prepare our lunch like above, all 5 days. I'm OK with that since I had been to travel with the travel agent in Australia. Some of my colleagues are not used to that, just can't eat sandwich so many times in a week.
整體來說,這次的行程或許距離不到台灣的環島團那麼遠,但也不會輕鬆到哪裡去,前兩次自己開車遊南島時,覺得南島哪有坡?一路油門踩著,時速一百就玩完了,輪到騎車,有不少的上坡,還都挺陡很不好騎,交通工具一變,果然感受就差很多,呵~最經典的就是第四天的 The Neck,還有同事爬上去之後,就說「怎麼像是在騎武嶺?」根本就沒有心理準備,騎起來更是操;更不用說第三天騎在雨林中了,冷得全身發抖,真是艱困的挑戰呀!
General speaking, this is not an easy tour. Although we can ride with the beautiful landscape in New Zealand. There are still a lot of up hills that really tough. On day 4, when someone just climb up to "The Neck", she just said it's like climbing up the Wuling, the highest road in Taiwan which is also a famous record for every rider to challenge. The day 3 is also a really tough day to ride in the rain.
For me, it's a challenge route that I can achieve. Maybe I'm still a beginner as a rider, I prefer to use the bicycle as a tool to reach more funny places, rather than to accomplish a challenging road. For example, the Bra Fence is an interesting spot to visit. We should visit more.